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What Is Wrong

With Eeyore?

Eeyore is suffering from depression. Like
millons of other people Eeyore has a mental health
problem. Just like most of these people, Eeyore is not
getting the correct treatment that he needs. Most likely he
will deny anything is wrong. He will probably blame his
problems on Pooh or Tigger or anyone else around. Are
you another Eeyore, take a simple test and see.

A. Has a parent/spouse suggested that you see a
doctor for mental health problems?

B. Has a friend suggested that you see a doctor
for mental health problems?

C. Has a sibling/child/boss suggested that you see
a doctor for mental health problems?

Was your response similar to these?

Did you tell your parents, this is a closed subject and
I don't want to discuss it now or ever again?

Did you tell your friend, if you ever bring this subject
up again, I will never speak to you?

Did you rant and rave stating there was nothing wrong
with you?

Did you tell your sibling this is none of their concern?

If someone has suggested that you
need counseling, the odds are you need help. Remember,
there is no disgrace in seeking help! No more, then going
to a doctor for cancer, eyeglasses, or diabetes.
The only disgrace is in ignoring a medical problem.

Are you a Swiss Cheese Eeyore?

Have you gone for counseling and medicines only to
stopped counseling and your medicines? Did you start
back again only to stop again? Did you stop against
your doctors and families advise? This is what I call
the swiss cheese program, your mental health treatment has
as many holes in it as swiss cheese. You don't stop
counseling and medicines without your doctors approval!


School Psychology Resources Online

Welcome to Grohol. com

Center for Mental Health Services

National Institute of Mental Health

Mental Help Net

Internet Mental Health

At Health Mental Health

more links to be added

Why is Eeyore Standing on His Head?

This is my web page and in my story there is no
sad ending. Eeyore is standing on his head because
he is so happy. Why, because Eeyore admitted he had a
mental health problem and is now on the road to
recovery with counseling and medicines.

Which Eeyore are You?

Eeyore without proper treatment. Eeyore with proper treatment.

True friendship is like sound health;
the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.

A real friend is one who walks in
when the rest of the world walks out.

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Walk beside me and be my friend.

Please drop me a line.

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I am not a doctor, I am someone who has family
and friends with mental health problems. I have seen first
hand the results of people refusing to admit they have a
problem. I have watched loved ones suffer needlessly.
I have seen families destroyed because of lack of
treatment. I have witnessed the improvments in people
as a result of counseling and correct medicines. It is
hard for some people to understand why a person would
refuse treatment, when treatment is available. It is very
easy to give up on that person, especially when,
they repeatedly deny needing help. If I can help
one person to admit they have a problem and seek the
proper treatment, then this was worth my time.