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Malice Mizer

When Mana met Kozi in Tokyo, they both worked in the same place as a part time job, and both became supporting members of a read-made band. The band didn't last, and Mana proposed that him and Kozi make a band that reflects tragedy, and thus: Malice Mizer is founded.

The newfounded band played even in the smallest livehouses in order to leave a lasting Malice Mizer impression on thier audiences. Mana writes most of the music that Malice Mizer plays, and he's a genious. Who else could make such a wonderful sound from two guitars, drums, bass, cello, violin, and the odd keyboard?

When the question "Describe Malice Mizer's music" arises, so does a very mixed response. Some say gothic rock, some say gothic rock mixed with classical. Its a little bit of every genre possible, and changes with each release. They always have a fresh sound to keep fans interested in what they're going to come up with next.