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Get Me Through December

These banners were inspired by the tragedy that is December 11th, 2001. Enjoy.

Malice Mizer are interrupting their vision in the year 2001.

In their original concept in which Malice Mizer were grounded for nine years, they continued their musical vision. For the first time, the members have individual freedom for musical expression, more than just individually expanding the vision. This has become the common intention and thought of the four people.

Whatever may happen from now on, we say: please warmly protect the members as they go on their way.

December 11, 2001

Midi-Nette Corporation


As a vocalist, I have only been officially with Malice Mizer for a year and some months, and though it was a short period, it is an irreplaceable and important time to me. The things I received from Malice Mizer are, as an artist, not only a place to perform music, but a chance to meet all sorts of people, from the fans who supported us to the staff members in the band. Mentally, they gave me ambition and perseverance, and I think they taught me a new way to overcome my difficulties.

I don't want to waste what I have learned from Malice Mizer and everyone, so I intend to find another place and continue singing.

To everyone who cheered us on, I truly thank you.

And from here and ever onwards, I pray that you will continue loving music, continue living, with pride in your hearts...



Without a path or clear idea of ourselves, we've come 9 years...they've been 9 frantic years. Without stopping or looking back, we were alway searching for something new. With all the great emotion, shocks, pain, and joy we've shared with all our fans, we've crafted this unique world... Malice Mizer is something I think of with pride. I think each of the members will continue on with independent projects.



With each repeating melody we play, as we paint this spiral our shapes change.
~exploring our memory~



In these 9 years, we never looked back, only pressed on forward. Meetings and partings, moving moments, painful moments... there was all this and more, We were able continue the band without any hitches, but that is because of all the people who supported us. Creating music is the meaning of my life. Taking in all the feelings of those who loved Malice Mizer, I will be seeking something new and shocking, and I will continue creating music.
