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This is the page where I will be giving some samples of parts of a Dragon book I have worked on as a College Project. It uses some historical information, adapted for my own needs. I will describe things such as Skeletal structure and Body Types (i.e. Wyvern v.s. Heraldic dragons), and any other interesting little tidbits I can remember on which I base my dragons.


I will start off by describing the basics of my dragon's skeletal structure and characteristics.

The dragon skeleton is built for supporting the muscles of the most powerful creature known. Specific probortions of particular structures such as the Breast Bone depend on the particular dragon and where it has evolved to live. For example, Water dragons have a releltively small Breast Bone due to the fact that they rarely use their wings to fly through the air. Thus they do not need the support for their wing muscles. The more the dragon flies, the larger that particular bone. The largest Breast bone in the dragon kingdom belongs to the Wyvern dragons. (The differences between body types will be made clear at a later date.) Another advantange to having a Breast bone is that it protects the vital organs such as the heart and lungs. Both of which are exceptionally large in dragons.

The dragon's skull is unique to the individual. The skull itself is solid in most respects yet is full of large cavities which connect to the nasel passages. This helps reduce weight. It also gives dragons an ammaizing sence of smell. Large jaw muscles wrap around the back of the skull and connect to a ridge of bone in the top. The teeth are serraded and angle to the rear. In some dragons there are several teeth at the very back which are flat and are used for grinding food.

The bones themselves are akin to birds and mammles rather than the rummored reptiles. Their bones are hollow and the more stressed parts of the bone are reinforecd with a web of bridge-like structures, just like birds. This gives bones such as the arms, legs and wings added strength without added weight. And just like birds, Dragons are warm blooded.


There are FIVE distinct catigories of dragons if spisific physical chatacteristics are taken into account. I usually only create dragons of either Heraldic or Wyvern type. I will discribe each and also where they are usually found.


This describes the most famious kind of dragon, The "classical" body type. Herladic dragons are characterized by their large hind limbs, strong supporting front legs, and a large pair of wings. The actual physical size veries by individual, they can be anything from twenty to two hundred feet in length. They are also beleved to be the most wide spread of all the dragon types. They usually have massive fangs and a ridge of sharp spines that go from it's pointed mussle to it's barbed tail. In most cases, Heraldic dragons breed once a year after they reach a breeding age of one hundred years. They usualy pair up for life much like humans.Heraldic dragons for the most part lay as many as 20 eggs, though some Water types have been known to give birth to their young much like mammels. Heraldic dragons also for the most part were quadripeds That is, they walk on all fours. But there are some which can walk on their hind legs much like humans.


This dragon type is less common than the heraldic. Wyverns were feared for their vicious nature. Physically, they are simmilar to bats, or birds in that their arms have evolved into huge wings. Wyverns are for the most part bipedal, which means they walk like humans or birds, on their hind legs. This kind of dragon is found almost always in mountianous reagions or by the sea. Wyverns are some of the strongest flyers. And some spend most of their time aloft, only comming down to the earth to feed, and give birth. Wyverns usually give birth to a single pup or on rare occasions, twins. They are born alive, no layed in eggs. They cling to their mother's back shortly after birth, and travel that way until they fledge. Dispite their ferocious reputation, Wyverns are dutiful parents, and will die defending their young. Despite what some believe, the Wyverns which dwell in my realm are extremely intelligent, more so than most other dragon races except Heraldic dragons. Wyverns usualy are endowed with the elements of Storm, and in the case of a Rouge the element of Chaos can be included.


This kind of dragon is distinctive in that it has NO arms or legs. Its shape is like that of a serpent with giagntic wings. They are very rare and are rummored to live on the banks of the Nile River protecting trees bearing Frankincence. No one knows how these dragons live, but it is believed that they are very territorial.


This kind of dragon is slightly more common than the Amphitiere. It has a serpintine body supported by massive hind legs. It however lacks wings or arms. LindWorms are previlent in the Steps Of Asia and open plaines of Europe. Once again, little is know about this dragons social structure or lifestyle.


Legless and wingless, the Guiver was once called The "Worm" Dragon. It has a massive head incrusted with mennicing horns and a beard. They are exclusively water dragons. Living in the Forests near rivers and lakes, and sometimes occupying town wells. Anywhere near water. They are feared for bringing diseases into villeges near rivers. This dragon too is an enigma. Rare and mysterious it is not known how they breed or socally conduct themselves. But it is known that they do not get along with other dragons.


All my dragons can be grouped into one of five elemental types: Earth, Fire, Water, Storm (Air), and Rouges.

Earth Dragons.

Earth dragons in my world are the most common dragon elemental type. They are ususally of a size between 20 and 70 feet in length.

Earth dragons are for the most part Heraldic types, though some of the other types such as Wyverns are sometimes associated with the Earth element.

Earth dragons usually live in the typical Cave setting, though some live under the canopy of deep forests, prefering to avoid the dampness of caves. They usually are scocial, living in groups of up to 50 individuals. The clan is usually headed by one Head Male, and one Head Female. The female has slightly more rank than the male, since the females usually live longer than the males; thus, they have more knowledge.

Earth dragons live to about 800 years in age in females, and 700 in males. They reach breeding age at about 100 years of age, and Earth dragons choose one mate as a life-long partener.