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Cellular Nutrition
For Vitality And Longevity: Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10 For Cellular Nutrition

Vitality means energy plus resistance to stress. Cells produce energy through a process called "cellular respiration." Oxidative stress caused by free radicals can damage the cell and inactivate stress caused by free radicals can damage the cell and in activate cellular respiration. The cell therefore mobilizes an antioxidant defense system to protect itself against oxidative assault.

Nature in her economy created one molecule to serve both purposes. Bioenergetic fuel and master antioxidant, Coenzyme Q10 plays vital roles in both cellular respiration and antioxidant defense.

CoQ10 is a cardioprotective, energy stimulating compound that has been shwon to be effective as a means of preventing and treating certain forms of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

In a study by Blizanakov, to lifespan of mice was increased by 50% by injections of CoQ10. In another study at UCLA Medical Center, the mean but not maximum lifespan of mice was increased by very high oral doses of CoQ10. In both studies, mice receiving CoQ10 looked especially good and healthy at advanced ages.

Click to order Co Enzyme Q10

Click to order Co Enzyme Q10 with Brewer's Yeast

Click to order Co Q10 with Tocotrienols (Highly potent Vitamin E)

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