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Publisher of Beggar's Ink-Horn
Est.1952 Publisher of Unique Books
8110 No.38th Street Omaha, NE. 68112-2018 (402) 455-2615

The Strange And Unusual Magazines And Books
Beggar's Press

At Last!
A Lightning-Bolt In the atmosphere of Literature!
A Thunderclap in the Field of Publishing!
Two Alternating Journals: Raskolnikov's Journal And Beggar's Ink-Horn
Don't Miss A Single Issue!
Plots You Have Never Dreamed Of!
Purchase One Now!
One large issue @ $7.95 +$2.00 Postage
(Publication dates: Twice per year.)

You are the light of the future as we enter a new Dark Age in literature. What you do now will decide the fate of enlightenment in the days, weeks, months and years to come. When you order from any small press you help them all in preserving good literature.

The small presses are holding the line against illiteracy!
You can help!

Beggar's Press is the same press that gave you:

My Doorknob Is Female......... From Bags To Bitches
Crime And Luncheon........ Two Breasts And A Gramophone
Letters From The Room Next Door

We have searched out the finest authors and poets of the century, specially selected from the world over - - those excellent writers working under dim lights in starving attics and lonely rooms, simply to bring you the plots and styles you deserve. On these pages you will discover the modern Poes, Zolas, Melvilles, Joyces, Hemingways, Hammetts and all those other renowned writers.

May Day! May Day! Waraw Is Burning!

Sponsor of wretched writers, poets, and artists
Federation of Literary Publishers
International Association of Independent Publishers

a book

Dear reader of good literature:
Now! The birth of a new literature! Born in agony and joy! Over 62,000 titles are printed each year. But only once in a century comes along two of the most surprising magazines in the 50-year history of Beggar's Press. A challenge to contemporary styles and plots. You will not find these sorts of authors or poets anywhere but here. You will not find such publishing formats anywhere but here. Alternating magazines Beggar's Ink-Horn and Raskolnikov's Journal! Don't miss either issue! And they come to you at a very low price. If you liked Tolstoy's War and Peace, Hemingway's Farewell To Arms, Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, Beggar's Press is for you.
We'll leave a light on for ya Raskolnikov's Journal and Beggar's Ink-Horn! Be warned! An asp is coiled beneath every issue! Brooding and Psychological, Vibrant and Humorous,Haunting and Desperate! Writing that is almost Murderous, almost Suicidal!! Bouncing with Humor! Stabbing into the Blackness of the Mind!
We have dropped many heavy words on you up to now. Now it is time to let fall our promise to you, our unconditional guarantee, unmatched by any other press, past, present, or future: Beggar's Press unequivocally guarantees that all it's books, journals, and magazines are classics in their own disciplines and will provide enjoyment and intriguing interest for the entire lifetime of the purchaser ...... and all his heirs for 500 years! Furthermore, all our publications are guaranteed against fire, flood, and armed rebellion! Amen.

Order now! Only $7.95 + $2.00 postage. Send name, address and check or money order to .... Beggar's Press, 8110 North 38th St., Omaha, NE. 68112-2018 .
Be sure to enclose the $2.00 postage. And be sure to make your check payable to Danielle Staton, Treasurer.

And may a band of angels bless your soup. Now fare-thee-well until you order your magazine or till the rowans bloom again, whichever comes first.

May Day! May Day! Warsaw Is Burning!

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