It isn't even a trainwreck.

Our Fearless Recapper laments Laura on TV


I set the VCR yesterday to see the new and improved television show.

Watched the credits carefully. I only spotted Velm Cato's name and not
the new consultant they were supposed to bring in. Was this an
oversight? Was this show one of the new ones?

Assuming it was a new show....

Somebody here said they were using a laugh track. I doubted they would
do that. Well, when I heard audience laughter I paused the VCR and
none of the aud. members in the background were laughing! They DID use
a laugh track.

How does she know which aud. members to go directly to for her
questions? The answers they give just sounded too canned. No, "ahh's"
or "umm's".

Those facial expressions are just comedic. Corey was watching with
me. He thought she was trying to be funny by doing those expressions.
Speaking of being funny. Keep an eye on the aud. members when Laura
tries to be funny. Lots of confused looks going on.

What's the deal with the voice over calling Laura, "The undisputed
moral authority."

I don't know. I like a good train wreck but this show doesn't even
come close to that. It's not even boring. It's down right silly.

I feel bad for not taping every episode. That waay in a few years I'll
be able to go back over the tapes for a good laugh or two.


A memorable Re Cap, from Xmas 1999

Dec 21
STANDARD DISCLAIMER:  This is NOT a transcript.  This is a brief summary of calls which can be used for basing further discussion. To hear the show point your browser this waay  For the ARTD-L FAQ go to  For the recap FAQ go to
ADMIN:  I'll be out all next week.  If you want to volunteer to be a guest recapper email me.
1st monologue.  Rant on the Vermont decision for same sex marriages. Reads a letter from someone who discovered how "bad" homosexuality was at 19.
0:17:05 Chris.  Works as a stockboy, trying to come to terms with his closeted left wing ideology.  Should he give in and join the socialist party or continue the front he's put up of being an ultra right wing conservative.
0:19:16 Barbara.  How should she be tactfull with people she converses with daily who have opposing view points to hers.  One guy even went so far as to start documenting EVERY conversation they have.
0:21:35 David.  Should he quit his lucrative high profile job in the theatre, move to Banff, and settle down with a wife, house, and white picket fence.
0:28:36 Thomas.  Aspiring race car driver.  Wife wants him to sell his high paying law practice so they can go on the road racing cars.
0:29:02 Lawrence.  Is it morally right for him to drink Lite beer while rooting for the Red Wings.  Laura is unaware that Ontario is located inside of Canada.
0:31:49 Greg.  Said something about being the first caller from Guam. Should he come clean on the lie of a life he's been leading and admit that he voted for Regan and that wrestling is staged.
0:33:20 Ellen.  Wondering if she should continue entering beauty pageants.  Worried that she may be affecting the other contestants who she keeps beating even though she's several years their senior.
0:35:00 Gary.  Runs one of the most posh nightclubs in a rural
Midwestern state.  Thinking of selling it all, giving the proceeds to charity, and becoming a monk.
0:37:47 Jamie.  Just turned 18.  Confused about several guys who are expressing their love for her via the Internet.
0:39:58 John.  Works as an antique radio repairman.  While fixing a late model Philco found 300 thousand dollars hidden behind a vacuum tube.  Invested the money in the booming hobby industry of model rocketry and tripled his money.  DL, "But what's your question for me!?!?"  C, "Should I take in the stray cat my daughter found yesterday which would bring out total cat count up to 16?"
0:40:20 Alan.  Wants to quit his high profile law career and work in the theatre.  Not sure what will become of the areas underworld when he leaves and nobody will be there to represent them.
0:41:12 Andres.  Something about returning to college and get another degree.  Has a burning desire to go to East Lansing Agricultural College.  Not sure what family and friends would say.
0:41:28 Maddi.  Considering going to a program to curb her chocolate addiction.  Should she keep this a secret from her husband.
0:42:00 Claire.  Two kids, boy Ken and girl Barbie.  Is it morally correct to be a stay at home and continue to write her nationally syndicated column which has won the Pulitzer prize the last three years in a row.
0:42:30 Fred.  For the last two plus years he's been dispensing
Rabbinical advice to a bunch of yahoo's over the Internet.  Feels he's become pretty good at it and is contemplating starting an Internet Jewish Temple.
0:43:12 Tim.  Hasn't spoken with his "second" family in over a year. Wondering how he should approach them so they won't be too shocked upon his return.
0:44:00 John.  Lives in Florida and hates the weather.  Would it be morally right for him to move to Maine or a place with a more temperate climate.
0:44:45 ? (was garbled, sounded like hell or bell)  Would it be moral for him/her to continue the research he/she conducts on a nationally syndicated talk show during working hours.
0:46:00 Eric.  During the WTO riots was arrested.  Didn't tell the police he was the grand poo bah ringleader of the whole thing.  Should he go back and inform them.
0:48:13 Sue.  Should she tell her friend that the guy she just started dating has herpes.
0:50:25 Sanjay.  Very fast talker.  Dating a girl from Mass for 6 months.  He lives in Texas.  Visit each other over the weekends.  She has quite a few male friends.
2d monologue.  Story about a girl asking Santa for a father.
1:01:58 Kyle.  Trying to teach the kids to not be materialistic during Christmas.  Can she tell other people to not send a lot of gifts.
1:05:09 Martin.  From Calgary.  Mother threw out her husband's service medals.  He saved them and restored them.  Now she wants them back. DL, "What a wicked witch your mother is."  [Otis.  Anyone?  Anyone? Bueller?  .... GOSSIPER!!!  GOSSIPER!!!  GOSSIPER!!!!]
1:07:55 Vickie.  Disagreement with the husband about something that happened last Saturday.  Used to work at a bank, now is a waitress. Former bank coworkers came to the restaurant where she was working. Former bosses husband kissed her.  Should she tell his wife.
1:16:17 Sue.  Should she give her SonIL a call or his mother or his sister.  It's her ex son in-law.  He bought the kids some clothes for Christmas and stipulated the kids leave the clothes at his house.
1:18:20 Tony.  Younger brother and he work for the same company. Brother was allegedly caught for forging some documents.  He may have not followed standard procedures.
1:21:09 Fred.  Somebody (mom?) is a drug user and pusher.  Wants to prevent her from seeing his kids.  How does he explain this to the rest of the family.
1:28:37 Cathy.  10 y.o. daughter has a friend that told her she would be running away.  Friend feels unloved and neglected.
1:31:21 DL.  Talks about lighting the last Chanukah candle.
1:31:40 Cathy.  Just remarried last October.  Upset that the husband's ex-wife takes the kids Christmas shopping for her husband, their father.
1:33:14 Denise.  Something about not seeing her two year old daughter.
1:39:55 Sylvia.  MIL announced that she wants to be called, "Mana" which is a form of her real name.
1:41:55 Elizabeth.  80 y.o. family friend is childless.  She's best friends with mom.  Caller has become a surrogate grandchild.  During visits this lady talks bad about her mother.  DL, "Don't worry, she's an old woman, she'll be dead soon."
1:44:10 Lana.  3 kids from a prior.  Divorced about 7 years.  Ex- husband is on the hooch.  During a visit the ex got upset with the kid wearing a Mark McGuire shirt.  Kicked them out in the cold.
1:46:35 Angela.  Married for 5 years.  Mixed religion.  She's Jewish, he's a non practicing Catholic.  Something about moving and getting close to a Synagogue.
1:49:33 Janet.  13 y.o. son.  Just been divorced.  Son is bullying his younger sisters.
1:51:00 Bonnie.  26 y.o. son.  Co-signed for his pick up truck loan. Son is hiding out now.
3d monologue.  None.
2:01:07 Kerri.  Laura expresses her love of macaroni and cheese.  15 y.o. daughter told her that two of her friends are sexually active. Does she tell the parents and how.
2:06:05 Becky.  Married two and a half years ago.  Daughter from a prior.  Husband's job made them relocate.  Thinks now the relocation was a bad idea.
2:14:16 Jennifer.  Husband's older sister just announced her
pregnancy.  She is unmarried and has no plans for marriage.  How does she acknowledge the girl now.  DL, "I wouldn't say congratulations ... this is a tragedy."
2:15:15 Donna.  Friend is telling her that she is morally wrong for sleeping with guys prior to her marriage.  DL, "I just don't want you next door to me in heaven."
2:17:04 Jeffrey.  DL (in reference to the previous caller), "There's nothing stupider then an unpaid whore."  Younger sister, 35 or 36, is in a relationship for nearly ten years.  A long distance relationship.
2:19:30 Stephanie (13).  Found out a few days ago that she has a sister which mom gave up for adoption.  Mom's BF told her about it.  Mom doesn't know she knows.
2:21:00 Bobby.  Wants to buy his GF's daughter a Christmas gift.
2:22:46 Anson.  Is it a good idea for them to take in her FIL's kids.
2:29:45 Stephanie.  Engaged.  Is it wrong for her to postpone the relationship.  He has some past financial problems.
2:31:15 Macie & Maddie (12).  Should she allow Maddie to "go out" with a boy from school.
2:39:54 Kevin.  Wife was in for a medical exam last week.  Nurse says she believes she may have breast cancer.  She's going in for further tests the same time he has a business trip scheduled.
2:41:39 Lori.  Does she go to a close friends house.  Friend cut off all ties after her tragic car accident last year.
2:42:40 Penny.  Few years ago she cheated on her husband several times.  Got a divorce.  Involved with someone else.  Is she obligated to tell the guy about her cheating past.
2:44:24 Rita.  Sister in law is physically and vocally abusive.  SIL will be at a Christmas gathering.  Can she ask her to not attend.
2:45:52 Shelly.  Is it appropriate to discipline her 10 y.o. cousin when her Aunt is there.
2:47:53 Shelly.  Two kids and another one that doesn't live with them. Lives in Mexico.  Last summer this girl was busted for shoplifiting. DL, "I'm a big purveyor in reality which makes me unpopular."
2:49:08 Nicole.  Friend has done some things she doesn't agree with. Does she tell the friend why she is breaking off their relationship.
2:50:50 Andrew.  Estranged from mom for a few years.  Mom doesn't know about their kid.
2:52:08 Ray.  He's not there but Brenda is.
2:52:20 Terri.  With her BF for 6 years.  Have a two y.o. girl
together.  He initially said he wants to get married but now doesn't.
Sorry if I missed anyone.  Some were intentional.  Wanted to wish everyone from the froup a happy holidays.
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