Matt L. Short Stories- Page 3

The three stories are the property of Matt L. Any reposting must be with his permission. You can contact him at --fan2000.

The Makeover

Erica Vanderlynn was a peach of a woman. She had long, silk like black hair, an ever so attractive face and slim, athletic figure. Rushing home from her tennis match, Erica looked quite the dish in her tight T-shirt and knee-high skirt. Running up to her apartment, she opened her trendy leather purse and upon removing her keys, heard a voice from behind, "Ms. Vanderlynn, nice to see you this afternoon."

Erica turned around and discovered her landlady, Mrs. Green facing her. Jennie Green was a 200-pound butterball of a woman, somewhere between sixty and a hundred years of age and known to be a bit of an eccentric. She rarely got out of bed before noon, only washed once a week and wore mainly faded cotton gowns or jump suits. Mrs. Green's hairstyle was like something from the 1920s, but her fingernails were long and brightly colored. "We have a situation Ms. Vanderlynn I think we need to correct."

Erica slowly walked into her apartment and waved Mrs. Green in, "You have to make this quick Mrs. Green. I’m in a little bit of a hurry. I’ve a date tonight."

Mrs. Green closed the door and followed Erica into the kitchen. As Erica poured herself a glass of orange juice, she felt uncomfortable as Mrs. Green watched in an eerie silence. "You were saying Mrs. Green?"

Mrs. Green smiled and asked, "What happen between you and my tenant, Vicky Troyburg?"

Erica giggled, "Oh that. No big deal."

But Mrs. Green begged to differ, "It was a big deal to Vicky. She was courting that guy for some time, they were just about to get serious until you came around. You had to lure him away with your vexing charms and beauty. Now he doesn’t even return Vicky’s phone calls, let alone show any interest in her what's so ever."

Erica sipped her juice, then commented, "So the guy has good taste. I mean look at me and look at her. Vicky’s a huge couch potato and I’m a babe. It’s not my fault she doesn’t take care of her appearance. Anyway I dumped him, so who really gives a shit?"

Mrs. Green folded her arms over her large bosom, "Vicky does, and she’s heartbroken."

Erica walked by Mrs. Green and moved towards the door, "If that's all Mrs. Green, would you mind leaving? I have to get ready for my date."

Mrs. Green didn’t budge. Erica shook her head, "Look, if you want me to move no problem. I’ll start looking for a new place Monday, but if you don’t mind, I have a date with a certain young lawyer."

Mrs. Green stood her ground and remarked, "How about Doug Mesotivitcw?"

Erica approached Mrs. Green, "You mean that goofy guy who lives in the basement? What about him?"

Mrs. Green drew a breath, "What happen when he invited you for pizza?"

Erica laughed, "You got to be kidding me? He invited me to his apartment to watch TV and have pizza, sure. But I don’t socialize with slugs and I told him so."

Mrs. Green shook her head, "You didn’t have to insult the guy you know he does have feelings?"

Erica stood with her hand over her slim hip and flipping her mane over her shoulder, as she arrogantly remarked, "Hey I’m not into fat guys, okay? Anyway, I like a guy to whine and dine me. Take me out and spend a wad of cash on me. Do I look like the type who settles for pizza and TV?"

Mrs. Green chuckled, "Actually Erica, you do."

A bewildered look formed upon Erica’s delicate face, "Uh? What?"

Mrs. Green began to circle Erica. "What a nice outfits Erica, but I don’t ever remember you wearing such a revealing outfit? It’s so tight and skimpy."

Erica’s trendy tennis outfit was changed into a light pink T-shirt with a picture of a cartoon bear eating from a jar of honey upon it and a natty pair of gray sweat pants. Mrs. Green smiled, "Yeah Erica, I remember you wearing garments such as those."

Erica froze in fear as Mrs. Green continued, "I also don’t recollect your hair being so long and vibrant looking?" In the flash of a second, Erica's lustrous black mane became limp and dull looking, as it was now short and set in a matronly bun hairstyle. Erica nervously fumbled her words, "What’s a happen, what’s happen...what's happening to me?"

Mrs. Green directed Erica backwards towards the living room, "Nothing Ms. Vanderlynn, you’ve always been this way." Erica noticed she was now barefoot and her expensive manicure nails were now short and without polish. "I don’t remember you looking as cute, Erica. You’re not ugly, but far from the fashion model, beauty queen type."

Erica’s nose changed shape with a small bump on the bridge and her teeth became slightly crooked. Her high cheekbones faded away as a dash of acne appeared on her forehead and cheeks. Erica was now at best, very average looking, with a face that could easily fade into the crowd. As Mrs. Green walked closer to Erica, Erica fell backwards, falling onto the sofa. "I don’t recall your figure being so slim and trim? I mean you never work out or engage in sports. After all, aren't you a fat, sluggish, couch potato?"

Erica noticed her belly swelling and quickly cried, "No!" Alas it was too late. Erica was now a 324-pound, tired looking young lady. Her face was pudgy with fat cheeks, broad nose and generous double chin. Her upper arms were huge and flabby and her big, burdensome breasts sagged on top of her immense belly. Her T-shirt looked a size too small, barely covering her girth. A roll of fat, two inches thick peaked over the waistband of her sweats, as the bottom half of her belly snuck out. Her chunky waist was enormous, her hips ultra wide, and her butt was not only capacious in size, but spread out sideways and downwards hanging over her tree trunk like thighs. Erica tried to stand but couldn't, her body was much to heavy to move.

Mrs. Green grinned, "You’ll get used to your new lifestyle Erica. After tonight, you'll never think anything different of yourself." Mrs. Green then asked as she patted Erica’s blimpish belly that shook like jell-o, "What are you planning to do this evening?"

Erica smiled, "I’m going to watch television and pig out."

Mrs. Green questioned Erica further, "Don’t you have a date?"

Erica looked confused, "What date?" Then she blushed; "Doug might stop over and bring a pizza." Erica then giggled, "We’re going to watch the Love Boat together."

A MONTH LATER: Mrs. Green opened the door to Erica’s apartment with a plate of home made cookies in her hand. The place was a mess with dishes and empty glasses; donut boxes and candy wrappers scattered about the place. Erica was watching TV in her pajama’s, the same pair she had been wearing for five straight days, were soiled with food stains. Stuffing her mouth with cake, Erica smiled at her company. "Thanks for dropping by, I rarely have company. Want to watch Melrose Place with me?"

Mrs. Green handed the now 350 pound Erica the plate of cookies. "Hasn’t Doug been around?"

Erica spoke as she shoved a cookie into her mouth, "No, he dumped me for Vicky. He told me I was lazy because all I want to do is watch TV."

Mrs. Green patted Erica’s colossal thigh; "Maybe I’ll stop by later, okay honey?"

Erica nodded, "If you go out, would you mind picking up a few items for me? I hate to leave the house."

Mrs. Green shook her head, "Sure Erica, why not?"


Plumpers Pizza

It was almost midnight when Kayla heard a knock on her door. The curvaceous young lady dressed in sweats and T-shirt discovered to her surprise a pizza deliveryman at her door. "Excuse me, but I didn’t order a pizza?"

The young man smiled as he handed Kayla the large pizza. "It’s from a secret admirer."

Kayla placed her hand over her svelte hip, "Do I look like I eat pizza?"

The young man informed Kayla, "It’s already paid for miss, so just take it."

Kayla put the pizza down on her coffee table after the deliveryman left, "Well maybe I’ll try one slice."

Kayla turned on the TV and helped herself to a slice. Kayla was a stunning young lady, known to turn quite a few heads. Not only because she had long wavy brown hair that enhanced her beautiful face and a trim, shapely figure, but Kayla was a natural flirt. Not only did she have quite the collection of boyfriends, Kayla thought nothing of luring away guys who dated her friends. To Kayla it was a like a sport. Kayla finished off the first slice, then needed a second. "This pizza is so good," she thought to herself. "I wonder who sent it to me?"

Kayla tried to figure it out as she continued to eat. "Maybe it was from Brad or Colin? I did a pretty nice job of winning Jackson away from Kelly; maybe it was from him?" All I know is, this Plumpers pizza is the best I ever had." Kayla reached for yet another slice and gobbled it so fast, she had her hand on the next slice in a matter of seconds. Kayla patted her belly and noticed it was no longer flat. Kayla continued eating and her body began to swell. Soon her sweats became so tight; she needed to remove them. Her chunky thighs shaking as she pulled off her sweats. With another slice her belly inflated further and poured over her sexy bikini briefs and saddlebags began to form on her thighs.

Wolfing down the next slice, Kayla's facial features became softer and a double chin seemed to appear out of nowhere. Her diamond shaped face became round and her nose expanded just a tad as her cheeks filled out. Making a loud munching noise as she ate the next slice, rolls developed over her waist and her hips began to expand. Kayla had a noticeable potbelly by now and her thighs were pudgy and flabby. The next slice added another ten pounds to her newly plump figure and her butt became spacious and beefy. Giving in to her appetite, Kayla didn’t seem at odds with her podgy body. Matter of fact she giggled, as her belly became the size of a beach ball. Kayla had a little difficulty reaching for the last slice, she wasn’t used to being so heavy. Upon finally snatching it, she smiled and ate the last slice in one mighty gulp!

Kayla was now 180 pounds and glancing over her fat thighs, it finally dawned on her, something wasn’t right? She let out a quiet, "Oh-oh," and then her shape continued to expand. Her upper arms doubled in size, as did the size of her breasts. Her waist and hips became wider and her belly inflated much larger and rounder, laying over her immense thighs. Kayla's butt had expanded, spreading sideways and pushing outwards. Kayla’s facial features changed as well, barely recognizable with a newly acquired pudgy, fat face, she looked like a completely different woman. Trying to stand, Kayla's 355-pound girth was too much for her to handle. She just laid on the couch and sleep until morning.

First thing in the morning, Kayla's neighbor, Sally Vanhous entered Kayla’s apartment. Sally was a full figured 250-pound young lady and had an axe to grind with Kayla. Sally looked over Kayla’s husky body and smiled, "Last time you’ll flirt with my boyfriend, you evil minx. I know you can’t hear me my chubby friend but, not only have you gotten huge, but your attitude has changed as well. You have no idea how to flirt and your going to remain shy and timid. No longer will be able to snare guys who date your friends."

Kayla opened her eyes and discovered Sally standing above her. Yawning then scratching her big belly, Kayla asked, "Over for breakfast, Sally?"

Sally nodded and Kayla eventually pulled herself off the couch. Rubbing her flabby, oversize belly, Kayla announced, "I’m so hungry! I’ll get breakfast started.”

Sally smiled, as Kayla waddled into the kitchen, never again a threat to her beau.


Fat of the Land

It was on a tropical island where swimsuit model Topaz just completed her shoot for the day. Topaz, whose real name she dismissed years ago was a tall slender, beautiful woman. She had a long platinum blond mane that complimented her well-defined facial features and a figure that was perfectly trim and firm. While resting in the sun drinking lemon aid, she turned to her assistant and commented on the locals on this island. "I have never seen so many out of shape women. My gosh Tammy, you would blend in so well here."

Her assistant Tammy Branch was a well-fed twenty-something gal, who was pretty in her own right, but not of swimsuit model material. Tammy only nodded her head, then asked, "Can I get anything else for you, Ellen?"

Topaz looked to Tammy with anger under her breath, "Don’t ever call me Ellen, do you understand? It’s Topaz, from now on."

Topaz hated her actually name and thought it was dumpy and lame. Topaz on the other hand sounded exciting and exotic. Topaz then adjusted the top of her swimsuit that barely contained her ample bust then demanded, "You can massage my feet."

Tammy nodded and did as she was told. A few minutes later a well-groomed gentleman in a black suit approached Topaz and Tammy. "Good afternoon ladies, I'm Fredrick Coriair."

Topaz looked over her sunglasses, and figure he was just some local guy who was in awe of her beauty. "And you’re telling me this because?"

Fredrick continued, "I’m the royal attendant for Prince Conlon the XXII. He asked me to forward an invitation in his stead for dinner this evening at the palace."

Right away Topaz saw dollar signs. After all, the only reason she became a model was so she could hook up with some wealthy guy. "You may tell Prince Conlon the XXII, that I accept his invitation."

Fredrick grinned, "The invitation was sent to the young lady massaging your feet."

Topaz glanced over the chubby Tammy, who at 200 pounds was dressed in a tapered cotton gown and whose face, though devoid of makeup, still looked absolutely cute. Topaz remarked in shock, "What! She’s not even in my league. Why her and not me? Look at her, she's fat and frumpy."

Fredrick explained, "The prince saw her the other evening at the hotel. He thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen."

Topaz shook her head; "Well most of the chicks on this island are in excess of 300 pounds, so I can see why."

Fredrick looked to Tammy; "May I tell the prince that you accept his invitation?"

Tammy was about to agree, but Topaz butted in, "I have an early shoot first thing in the morning, so tell the prince she can’t make it."

Fredrick nodded, "Then I must inform the prince at once."

Topaz stood up and patted her flat tummy as she shouted, "And you can tell the prince for me, he's an idiot! I’m the beautiful one, not fatty Tammy!"

Fredrick smiled, "But here on the Macdocious Island, heavier women are the example for feminine beauty."

With that remark, Fredrick walked away. Tammy voiced her opinion as she stood up, "That was so rude of you. There’s no reason why I couldn’t attend!"

Topaz only smiled and sat back down. "You’re my servant Tammy, don't ever forget that. Now shut up and put sun tan lotion on my delicate skin."

That evening Topaz paid the prince a little visit. Her hair was done in a vibrant hairstyle that danced over shoulders and her figure looked dazzling in a dark blue evening gown. "I’ll show the prince what true beauty is," Topaz thought to herself as she made tracks up the palace stairs. The doorman wouldn’t let her in, but Topaz, the wicked minx, dropped Fredrick's name. "I’ll summon Fredrick for you Ms. Topaz, and we’ll see if you can have an audience with the prince."

A few minutes later, Fredrick arrived and threw Topaz off guard when he remarked, "We were expecting you."

In the dining room Fredrick handed a Topaz a glass of brandy, which she at once began to sip. Taking a seat, Topaz was at a loss for words as Fredrick explained, "The prince will see you later. Right now he’s on a pressing engagement to meet your, how do you American’s say, gal Friday."

Topaz tried to stand but couldn’t and fell back into the chair. "Miss Topaz the brandy you were given has a toxic that will put you to rest. I also get the permission to tell you that, the prince has used his influence to have you fired from the agency you work for and to have your passport revoked."

Topaz rolled her eyes and as she dropped the glass, lost consciousness. Several hours later, Topaz opened eyes and discovered herself in a comfortable recliner. Topaz tried to get up, but still feeling fatigue, failed in her attempted. Fredrick then entered the room along with two stout females. The younger of the two was about Topaz’s age. She had short black hair and a sweet, gentle face. Her husky 390-pound figure was dressed in a gray uniform with blue trim. The other woman looked to be about 50 and had her blond mane tied in a ponytail. She was even heavier then the younger female and her 450-pound body in a gray uniform, but with silver trim.

Fredrick smiled, "The prince sends his regards and he left with your assistant hours ago to his private castle on the adjoining island for the weekend."

Topaz tried to speak, but could only mumble a few words, "whars dis awalla bout?"

Fredrick nodded, "Quiet Miss, you’re in safe hands. Buena and Fleur will take care of your daily needs for the time being."

Buena, who was the younger of the two remarked, "You’ll be in our care Miss."

Fleur began to remove Topaz’s gown, "You’ll be so well feed you won’t want to leave."

Topaz turned to Fredrick in shock and Fredrick twisted his thin mustache and replied, "What an undernourished damsel we have? I assure you Miss Topaz, you're elite lifestyle and fashion will be turned on its ear."

Fredrick left the room with Buena following. Once the gown was off, Fleur dressed Topaz in a sleeveless sundress that was at least two size's too large. Topaz did put up a fight, but in vain. Buena returned with a dining cart overloaded with plates and bowls containing many delicious foods. At first Topaz refused to eat, so Fleur forced feed the vixen. First ice cream, then pudding, much of which just covered Topaz’s mouth. This went on for nearly an hour, until Fleur remarked, "This is getting us no where."

Buena knew what that meant and momentarily left the room. Fleur patted Topaz on her flat tummy, "By next week, this will be a memory." Upon Buena’s return, Fleur held Topaz down as Buena injected her upper arm with a syringe. In a matter of minutes, Topaz let Fleur feed her without any problem. Topaz’s mind was lost in hunger as her appetite grew. Topaz gobbled up the rest of the ice cream and pudding, then she devoured biscuits soaked in butter. The hours flew by as she ate turkey that was put in a blender, looking like mush as Fleur spoon-fed her. Then noodles in spaghetti sauce and finally, another bowl of ice cream. Topaz couldn’t eat anymore, she was that stuffed.

Once morning arrived, Topaz felt she was still in a dream, especially since her undergarments felt so tight. She didn’t bother to look, but if she did, Topaz would of saw how bloated her belly had become and how the seams of her underwear were buried under the softness of her newly formed flab. Buena entered the room, "Time for your makeover Ellen. You don’t mind me calling you Ellen do you? Topaz doesn’t exist any longer."

Ellen tried to talk, but again could only mumble, "Getz afay fram mi."

After another injection, Fleur entered the room and began to feed the former swimsuit model, as Buena cut off her hair. Not all of it, just most of it. Then after a huge breakfast which consisted of ten scrabble eggs, a few biscuits with jelly, some bacon, and a large bowl of mush, which was actually more bacon and turkey put in a blender, the maids reverted Ellen’s mane back to it’s original light brown color.

This went on for weeks. Five times a day the maids would feed the young lady formerly known as Topaz. As time went on the meals became bigger and so did Ellen. Without moving around, her body became softer and slowly her lean, trim body turned into flab. A chubby round face replaced her delicate facial features. Her once svelte body became swollen and shoddy looking. Time went on and Ellen lost her desire to diet and ate whatever she was served. Her arrogant nature took a nosedive and Ellen was now a very modest, passive young woman.

Buena playfully tapped Ellen’s big bulging belly and Ellen giggled. As Ellen returned to her bowl of macaroni and cheese, Buena informed the queen size young lady, "Today you’re going to change rooming quarters. Since you’re going to become a servant of lesser rank, you get to share a room with me."

Ellen glanced over to Buena and as she rubbed her belly asked, "I’m going to be a servant?"

Buena nodded, "Of course. You have no passport and to live here on the island you must have a trade."

Ellen tilted her head sideways, "But I’m not a servant."

Buena brushed her hand over Ellen’s short mane, "You are now. I also should tell you, you're a wedding gift from the prince to our new princess Tammy."

Ellen was speechless, but Buena pulled up a chair along side of her and went into details. "You’ll love your new role. Mind you as a second-class servant the work is hard, but you’ll be working under me, so I’ll take it easy on you until you get used to it."

Ellen disagreed and whined, "But I don’t want to be a servant."

Buena patted Ellen on top of her chunky thigh, "You’re almost 350 pounds Ellen. What would you do in your society? You couldn’t very well be a fashion model. So stay here and be fat and happy."


Princess Tammy laid in her bed reading a romance novel and eating chocolate. Since becoming princess, Tammy's weight had increased to just a tad over 350 pounds, but she didn’t mind. In a society where heavy women are considered the norm for physical beauty, Princess Tammy was considered to be highly attractive. Buena entered the bedroom and smiled at the beautiful princess, "You called for me princess?"

Tammy put down her novel and waved Buena over to her. "Where’s my maid?"

Buena nodded then replied; "I have her scrubbing the bathroom tile in the VIP guestroom, for our upcoming visit from Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston."

Tammy rolled over on her side and scratched her thick thigh, "Tell her to finish it later. I want a massage."

Buena shook her head and left the room. Minutes later Ellen entered looking very much the domestic in her gray maids uniform with blue trim. Her short hair accented the roundness of her pudgy face, complete with large swollen cheeks and extremely prominent double chin. Her 625-pound body was enormous and a little clumsy. Her upper arms and breasts were gigantic in size and her belly was obese. Ellen’s waist was as lumpy as it was wide with beefy rolls of fat circling it. Her hips were colossal and her butt was astronomical. Her hindquarters were so fat and heavy that gravity pulled it down, where it smothered her elephant like thighs. "You wanted to see me, princess?" Ellen asked in a soft tone of voice.

Princess Tammy nodded, "I want a massage Ellen. First my feet, then my back."

Ellen shook her head and quietly went to work.