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"...highly recommended for anyone striving to understand the complex historical and contemporary issues informing language use, cultural identity and dilemmas of development in outer island Indonesia"
Penelope Graham, Monash University


ANTROPOLOGI INDONESIA, a scientific bilingual journal published by the Department of Anthropology of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Indonesia, aims to contribute to the development of Social and Cultural Anthropology in Indonesia and abroad.
The journal provides a medium for presentations and discussions for the further understanding of the socio-cultural aspects of the diverse communities of the world and of Indonesia in particular.
The articles presented in this journal cover the writings of various scholars on:  theoretical and conceptual argumentation; methodology and research techniques;  ethnographical writings; and book reviews.

Workshop and Symposium

Lokakarya dan Simposium Internasional

Organizing Committee - Steering Commitee

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