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This is Alora's Useless Angelfire Page!!!

You must be crazy if you came here. Either that or know me and want to know what I write about and see what my writing style is. How much stuff up yet, but soon I may actually be able to entertain you with my writing.
But be warned-----chances are that none of the novels that I begin on here will ever be finished, unless you all really want me to. So if I get a guestbook or something (I don't know, never built a page here before) then tell me what you like and what you want me to work on. And don't just say "Finish Cats" Cuz that probably won't convince me to actually finish it. Be more specific as to what you would like me to do with the story or you could actually tell me that your life won't ever be compliete until I finish one novel. Then I might actually get published.. ^_^ Who knows?
Anyways, have fun. ^_^
Oh yeah, and I am just learning HTML, and hopefully the stories are in paragraph format now ^_^
Don't forget----> Sign my guestbook!
Hey, anyone know how the hell I can include spaces between paragraphs and stuff??? O_o (Never mind, I figured it out.)
Testing this out.. -_- Dance Ayla dance!!! ^__^
Anywho, I gots a new page now, one that has taken most of my page editing time up, so this page is going to be a little boring for a while. It's got avatars and links to the chat rooms in which you can use them ^_^

Stuff that I have on my page

Ahead of Their Time
Here are some scans of my artwork
Shandrish Stuff (meditating and what not)
My page of Links
