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A Time Line of Kat

1963 - What can I say I was only 6 years old. This is the only picture of me as a little one.

1972 – 15 years old and thought I knew all I needed to know. Lol oh what I would give to go back.

1972 – My oldest brothers wedding. I am on the far right.

1975 – My high school graduation.

1976 – It was definitely the 70’s my youngest brother’s hair was almost as long as mine. And that thing on top of my Mother’s head? Lets just say it is not her hair.

1978 – Coming of age at a young 21, Ohhh to be 21 again.

1979 – This was taken at a grammar school I worked with for a while.

1980 – This is a little (ok a lot) darker than my natural hair.

1981 - This was about a month before we got married.

1981 – My wedding day. We had a very small wedding. I really hated wearing dresses. Blue jeans would have been fine with me. We left Indiana the next day and moved to Houston, Texas.

1982 - Wow I was only about 7 months pregnant with twins here. I went from 110 lbs to 180 lbs. I popped at 8 months. That bikini was never the same.

1983 – Ahhh but aren’t they cute. They were like holding 2 bags of sugar. 5.5lbs and 6.2 lbs. We moved back to Indiana when they were 6 months old.

1985 – Wow My 28th birthday party. I would even start at 28 again.

1987 – That’s me in the middle lol. My Grandmother is on the left and my Mother on the right and of course those are my little rug rats below.

1989 – My husband bought this bike from my oldest brother. My husband had never rode a bike before. He had no idea I knew how to ride, he was making fun of me while he was taking this pic so I popped it in gear and took off and rode it around the block and back. I was a bit of a tomboy growing up, what choice did I have with 3 older brothers. He was beside himself by the time I got back.

1992 – These are my old bowling buds. This was the last year I bowled. We took 3rd place in that league that year. Somehow I managed to get on a league every day of the week that last year. We moved from Indiana to Guntersville, Alabama by June 1992.

1993 – This picture was taken as soon as I received my real estate license. I started working for Century 21 in Guntersville, Alabama.

1994 – This was the year I was divorced. I joined up with the local Jaycee’s and this was some convention in Dothan, Alabama. We commandeered the entire Hotel. Now there are some rowdy people in the Jaycee’s.

1995 – After I received my Brokers License Coldwell Banker made me a better offer, so I moved my license with them. These are some of the associates I worked with. And I am in there in the middle somewhere.

1996 – I threw this pic in just for the blonde hair. Every now and then blondes DO have more fun!

1997 – I like the long curly look too.


1999 – I left real estate and started selling cars for Pontiac and GMC. Believe it or not I made more money selling cars than I ever did in real estate. I worked longer hours too.

2000 – Just a night out.

2001- This is one of my favorite pics. Taken in Orlando Fl at a little street bird exhibit. I just loved those birds.

2003 – This pic was taken around the first part of March 2003. We had just finished moving into our apartment here in Gulf Breeze. Time has taken its toll.

This is Kidney. His full name is Kidney Transplant. My middle brother’s kidney’s had failed, He was on dialysis for over a year before we could get the transplant scheduled. He bought me this horse as a way of saying thanks. I was only too happy to be able to help. He lived for an additional 11 years on my kidney only to die from cancer that started in the donated kidney. One of the tougher times in my life was watching him die and being helpless this time.

This is "Delilah" an Australian Shepard I had when I was younger. She had beautiful blue eyes. But she was totally deaf. I got her from the dog pound, they now call them rescue shelters. They said no body wanted to adopt a deaf dog and was to be put down soon. She was one of the smarter dogs I ever owned. And I have owned a LOT of dogs.

These are the only two pets I have now. The poodle "Mr. B" is about 13 years old and pretty much attached at my hip. Sometimes I just hide and watch him search the house for me.

Chelsea is an African Grey Parrot. Excellent talker. I bought her when she was 4 weeks old. Hand fed her every 4 hours. She is now a teenager at 15 years old. She seems to like my boys better than me these day’s.

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