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My name is Fatale. I am a 26 year old survivor rape incest physical and mental abuse. Contained in these pages you will find some of my writings. Some was written while the abuse was going on much more is from my reflections on what happened why it happened I have yet to fully resolve. Prehaps it was the the death of my mother or the just as a friend tells me. Bad things just happen and most often they happen to the innocents and the young. My writtings I dread to call them poems are a reflection of who I was and also who I am becoming. this world. I believe that simple words are best as they allow an unclouded window into a persons soul. My life has not been a easy one, but like my writtings it improves slowly and often painfully. I hope you enjoy this brief glimpse into my soul. With the love of my of my partner and the help of my friends. I hope to continue this journey of discovering who I am.

The Freak Show | Untitled
Mime in 3/4 Time |