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Name: Conaire Breanainn
Meaning: Red and Sword
Sex: Male
Breed: Red Roan Quarter horse
Name: Taisen
Color: Red
Eyes: Azure Blue
Hair: Red
Height: 6' 3"
Birthplace: Adar
Birthrate: December 28
Blood type: A
Age: 24
Rank: 4
Seal: 2
Sign: Capricorn
Element: Fire
Gem: Ruby
Metal: Copper
Armor: Copper washed steel breastplate and shin plates. Copper bracers set with crushed rubies.
Dress: Green tunic with brown breeches and mid calf length brown leather boots. Copper circlet with ruby settings.
Positive: Calm, level headed, trustworthy, practical, prudent, disciplined, patient, and reserved.
Negative: Idealistic, aloof. fragile, nervous, pessimistic, fatalistic, grudging, and ridged.
Weapons: Broad sword bearing the flame design and a steel shield washed in copper.

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Mantained by Mandy