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Name: Colby Winward
Meaning: Black and from wine's forest
Sex: Male
Breed: Percheron
Name: Futtei
Color: Black
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black
Height: 5' 11"
Birthplace: Hertha
Birthrate: December 3
Blood type: B
Age: 22
Rank: 2
Seal: 3
Sign: Sagittarius
Element: Earth
Gem: Onyx
Metal: Steel
Armor: Interconnected lether studded with steel settings. Steel bracers set with crushed onyx.
Dress: Green lose shirt with black pants and knee length black leather boots. Steel circlet with onyx settings.
Positive: Curious, cheerful, filled with energyand enthusiasm, freedom loving, good humored, philosophical, and honest.
Negative: Often has too many interests, gets carried away, irresponsable, restless, and blindingly optimistic.
Weapons: Several thrownign daggers and a short sword all set with the flame design.

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Abstract Dementia © 1998-2002 Dementia Productions
Mantained by Mandy