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Welcome  &  Thank You For Visiting My Site

My name is Lee and this is my dedication (in cyberspace) to the Lord. It's nothing fancy, but I plan to update it often to help spread His word and message. 

For those of you that have been watching & waiting ... please forgive me for staying away so long. I'm finally back! I will be adding some special things for the victims, families and friends of the senseless terrorism acts we have all just witnessed. My heart & prayers go out to all!  

As I was making this site, I prayed and asked for guidance, so that if even only one lost soul can find their way back to the Lord because of the words they read here, 
then I will feel truly blessed!

I am still a baby in Christ, 
so as I continue to learn God's word,
I will share with all of you out there, through this page.

Pass it along and don't forget to check back often for new lessons, prayers, music and graphics.
Also coming soon is my testimony.

As for me, I will call upon God,
And the Lord shall save me.
Evening and morning and at noon
I will pray, and cry aloud,
And He shall hear my voice.
He had redeemed my soul in peace 
from the battle that was against me,
For there were many against me.
~PSALM 55 : 16-18~

"Go home to your friends,
and tell them what great things
the Lord has done for you,
and how He has had compassion on you"
~Mark 5 : 19~



Our Merciful God

Developing a stronger faith isn't like developing muscles.
Bodybuilders count on workouts and extra effort.
They check for progress by looking in the mirror.
In contrast, building faith requires us to relax,
look away from ourselves, and contemplate God.

One of the first attributes of God we learn to appreciate 
is His mercy. God is moved by deep feelings 
that compel Him to help us in our need. 
Rather than being angered by our failures, God cares. 
With the psalmist we can say, 
"Let the peoples praise You, O God"

Let failure remind you that God is merciful.

Suggested Reading : Psalm 67

Heart Attitude

Betrayed By A Friend?

When Life Hurts

  More Encouraging Words:


The Burden

And God said

Dear Friend

How to know Jesus

Heaven's Grocery Store

Please Teach Me To Pray


If you have a site or know of one that you would like me to add to this list,
Please E-Mail me the link.

Special Thanks to:


Christopher J. Whyte of The Whyte House

Mr. Mom

ICT Animated Christian Graphics

Thank you all for your help and use of your graphics!   God Bless!




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Updated on 8/4/2002
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