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Leslie's Journal

September 19, 2000

I logged on to chat tonight to find a couple of local D.J.'s chatting in one of the channels. Their names are Rick and Bubba. Of course their names are Rick and Bubba...they are a couple of hicks that try to be amusing on the radio. HOW CAN PEOPLE LISTEN TO THEM. Just their voices alone turn me into a raging lunatic!!! Atleast I didnt have to hear them on the internet...I could handle them a bit better...but just the though of it makes me *shudder*. Anyway, I just got disconnected from the chat...stinking isp. Well, they werent responding to any of my crappy comments anyway. It was getting pretty boring. Hehehehe. Anyway, been feeling pretty wierd lately. Something is going on with me. Just havent figured it out yet. Hahahaha, story of my life. Gotta run folks. Later!

September 17, 2000

Its been a while since I have wrote anything in my journal. I have been pretty busy. I am thinking about moving. I would like to move home (back to dallas) but I have a decent opportunity in North Carolina, so I am thinking about going there. Hard to pass on those opportunities. Anyway, been pretty boring around here. My birthday has come and gone and I'm still the same ole girl, who cant get laid. I have actually started feeling better about things. I'm trying to get through with my school work as quickly as I can. Would REALLY like to finish within the next year. I sure hope it happens.
Sometimes I feel like everything is actually gonna be okay. Well, the others...I feel hopeless. But that doesnt happen often. Thank goodness. Dont think I could cope then. Its so hard sometimes. My son needs my constant attention, and my work. I really want something good for my son. Something unbelievably happy and healthy. I wonder if it will be like that. Man, I hope so. I want it SO bad. He deserves it. Well, I guess I am done for now. I am kinda crabby today. Surprise, Surprise!!

September 2, 2000

Well, shit..I'm finally back on-line, been without my computer for a few days...AND ITS SUCKED!!! But I'm back now and will be getting some things done on here now. I can't wait until I can just update the site, rather than working on it and trying to update at the same time...It will all take a while...but eventually..It will be easier. My birthday kinda sucked the other day...Well, a few of my friends made it special for me. Thanks Vince and Jamie and Autumn for your wonderful gifts. One of my friends in Cali, sent me a couple of things, and my friend here, took me shopping...that was way cool. My granny sent me 20 bucks. I was pretty broke though...I just ended up sitting in front of my t.v. (without my p.c.)feeling sorry for myself. But it really wasn't bad. Autumn took my son for the I could have a night alone too. Though, NOONE bought me any sex for my birthday, so I'm STILL without!!!!
I REALLY need to get somewhere else...I hate Alabama!!! This place is bringing me down bad...
I need to feel human again!!! I suppose I am feeling kind of down. I wish that I were doing more to make more of myself...But most of the time I just feel tired. I hope that ends...*sigh* Well, it is time to get some more stuff done on this site...

August 28, 2000

Just 3 more days...haven't recieved any presents in the mail yet from you people!!! Thursday is the big should be sending them out very soon.
Geez it was definently a Monday today. You should all feel very lucky to be something besides an apartment manager.
I watched one of those animal rescue shows tonight...sobbed like a freakin' baby. That is very sad...can't wait until my period is over. But when you watch a pot-bellied pig play dead in the road to save his gotta shed a tear or two. *wink*
I had this dude from an apartment consultant agency call me on the phone today asking me about apartments, when suddenly we are in some wierd debate about Alabama and how bad it sucks. He thought Alabama was a cool place...Geez!!! Why did he have to go there??? I probably won't be renting any apartments to any of his clients now!!! I wish I were back home in Dallas. I miss it something fierce. My friends and my family too. Haven't seen any of them in almost 2 years now. *sigh* I need to figure out a way to get home soon... Anyway, I guess I will go and try to be productive and get some things done on this web site.
Later Folks

August 27, 2000

Well, just 4 days away until I turn the big 3-0...
Wow, I'm surprised I made it this far. Sux that I am going to be broke on my birthday and that I wont be able to do ANYTHING!!!! And I prolly wont get any b-day presents...but I will make it through...*sigh*
Well, enough with the pity party...I had a pretty good day...very lazy. I watched Prince of Tides, Untamed Heart, and Hook. Not a very productive day, but nice. I haven't done much here on the website in a few days...will start working on it again soon. Just needed a breather. Not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow...
I would say another day another lay...but we ALL know thats not going to happen. Damn I cant wait until my freagin period is over...Its bringin' me down man!!!! Well, people I'm outta here...Later August 26, 2000

I haven't felt real hot today...perhaps it was due to the fact that i stayed up until 3 a.m. or perhaps it is because I'm on the rag...Well, which ever it is...I'm BITCHY!!!
I'm all alone here....Autumn went to a concert and my son is in bed...well, the kitty has just crawled up to my shoulder. I guess that means I'm not really alone. I made potato soup for the first time tonight...It ROCKED!!!! I'm multitalented aren't I???? *grin*
I sure wish I could stop thinking about getting laid...Need to just stop!!! Easier said than done...At this point I prolly wouldn't even remember how to do it... hmmm...I guess you guys are tired of hearing me talk about my sex life....or my non-existent sex life...I will try to refrain from whining about it too much from now on...What the hell am I talkin' about??? Sure I will...I will rant and rave about it constantly if I want to...Cuz I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROARRRRRRRRRRR!!! Hehehehehe
When I actually get on here to write on my journal...I don't have anything to say. I can think of all kinds of stuff all day long, then when it actually comes right down to it. I go blank!!! I just start rambling about nothing that matters...I never say how I really feel about anything that matters. Maybe that gives you some kind of insight on how I am in everyday life. I have a hard time opening up to people with anything that I really give a shit about...My mom was like that, my dad, even worse. So I suppose it was kind of bred into me. Well, I guess I should stop rambling, once again, and go get some stuff done here. Later!

August 24, 2000

Word of advice...ya know those little packets of ginseng energy pills you buy at the store????
Satan makes these pills...and he is not a nice man!!!!
After 5 or 6 hours of wishing someone would kill me...I took a nap...woke up...and wished I had the guts to do it myself...These pills SUCK!!!
Anyway, enough of that...I'm feeling much better now!!!
Well, the day got even better when mother nature decided to come a knockin...Now I'm a sick bitch, that is cramping and feeling extremely evil at the moment...Don't ya wish you were here to see this???
I paint a pretty picture right now...I think I am going to place my picture on there that I have taken tonight....Gotta Love This...
Bright side of the day...
1. Payday!!!
2. My loan is paid off!!!
3. My son is healthy!!!
Cool...see its not all bad!!!!

August 22, 2000

Autumn just left a while ago...she said she was going home to get on her computer and play with her kitty!!! Autumn...I hope that it is all u hoped it would be...I'm also sitting here in the chat all by myself again...okay Autumn and some dude named Taz is here...I might as well be alone.
It was a hectic night ex and his girlfriend came over and then a friend and his 2 children..on top of my sooooo glad that it is quiet now...i felt like my head was gonna explode...I hate people sometimes. Everyone is soooooo selfish!! Ya know folks...sometimes it is good to do things out of the kindness of your heart rather than thinking of yourself ALL THE TIME!!!!
Speaking of thinking of yourselves...
Anyway...I think I will go play with MY kitty for a while now too...nite all... August 20, 2000

Well, its been a couple of days since ive wrote anything...Noooooooooooo, I still havent gotten myself any!!!! Had people over the past couple of nights so havent even turned on my computer until today.
I've been thinking about my life...once again. Ya know...I'm gonna be 30 in less than 2 weeks. Its sux that I am not making a hell of a lot more money and am not wayyyyy more comfortable...You people definently need to go the link called Send Me Money! Help a poor girl out...And click on these banners!!! hehehehe...
People tell me I have a sad look in my eyes...
I wonder if that is true and why???
I changed the subject there didnt I??? Oh well, my site...IM ALLOWED!!!

August 17, 2000

I must be trying to impress you guys or something...This is my 3rd day in a row to post my journal. Today was a pretty cool day...PAYDAY!!! Woo Hoo!!!
Well, its all gone now...but it was good for a couple of hours. Still havent gotten laid...I even have a man in my living room right now playing my playstation...and guess what??? I still wont get laid!!! Ya know my birthday is coming up soon...Maybe someone will buy me a prostitute for my b-day. If you do just tell him I like it rough okay??? Well, lets see...besides getting paid today, nothing much else happened. Now I'm sitting here and I'm also sitting in my chat room on here alone...VERY ALONE!!! But thats builds character right???
Well, folks I believe that is it for me tonight...

August 16, 2000

Lookie here...
I'm actually doing this 2 days in a row...
Lets see, my thought for the day is:
"Why can't everyday be Saturday?"
I'm starting to get sick of this thought for the day crap!!!
Anyway, I'm sitting in my office right now, kinda bored, so I thought I would get something productive done. Now my boss may not think this is productive, but I obiously have no regard for what my boss thinks, huh? What a great employee I am!!!
Well, once again I'm angry and you fukers care... Most of you will fuck any hole that will allow you to enter...PIGS!!!
Don't get me wrong I obviously like pigs...for those of you who already know me you've seen the PIGS I have chosen in the past...scarey huh???
Oh well, on to the next pig...

August 15, 2000

Hmmm...I figured I would stop staring blankly into the monitor for a few moments and actually jot something down here. Lets thought for the day is "Damn what the hell can I do to get out of work and still get paid for it?" Hey...I tell u what...why dont you people email me with inventive good ideas to get out of work...I will post the best ideas somewhere at some point and time...
Okay, where was I???
oh yeah
My day was the same as usual..another sex... oh by the way...this is to the dude that told me that he liked my trashy look...*kiss**kiss* thanks man!!! I think I am pretty good in the trashy department. I try to stay on top of it.
well I suppose I should go and work on other things now..I've rambled enough about nothing...
Later Losers

August 13, 2000

Looks like another fukin weekend is gone...
My thought of the day is "Man I am glad that I have fingers"
I didn't get to post here last night because I had a couple of male friends over last night ;)
They came over and all 3 of us fucked like rabbits all night long...well, actually...
We got high and played the playstation all night...but we thought about it!!!! *grin*
Okay, so I am a loser that can't get laid by one guy, let alone two!!!!! Well, ya never know...
Now I have decided that I want to have 2 boyfriends instead of just one...
and, of course I want them to be good *real good* friends too...
2 guys that worship me. If any of you would like to
oblige me or think that u may be able to deal with sleeping with me
and another man, and would like to discuss getting together...just email me. Woo Hoo!!!
There are only a few requirements...
First, you have to be financially stable enough to buy me things.
And second, you have to be somewhat aggresive and very open-minded.
and third, you have to be very cool...*in my eyes*.
Wow!!! I must be desperate...I've been rambling about my 2 boyfriends for a while.*grin*
Well, now that I am thinkin' about it...WHO GIVES A FUK!!!
This is my site I can ramble about whatever the fuk I want to!!!! Woooo hooooo!!!!
Well I dont really have much more to say now, gotta go and put some more cool stuff for ya' on the site.

August 11, 2000
Well, here it is folks, just what all of you freaks have been waiting very first entry to my journal. Hmm, I guess today I will start with my thought of the day. This is the first thought that I can remember having first thing every morning...My first thought was "Fuck I have to get outta bed, but hell yeah, ITS FRIDAY!!!!". Okay, well there ya go...I went to work this morning about 15 minutes late, as usual. I Worked on putting this web site together for the most part while I was in the office. My boss is too stingy to give me a computer that has a modem in my office, so I have found myself here in my apartment about half the day doing exactly what I am doing now. Gotta love this job!!!!
Now I am just waiting until 5 gets here, as patiently as possible, so I can smoke a fatty. Its Friday, so I will probably do the same thing I normally do on Friday nights...smoke until I can't see straight and wish I could get laid by someone besides an Alabamian imbred freak. Not that I'm not a freak...cuz I can get freaky with the best of 'em. I am just sick of having to tell them not to talk while we are getting freaky!!!