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Forgotten Society

Disclaimer: You know the drill. I am in no way affiliated with Hansonor Island/Defjam records. This story is COMPLETE FICTION.

The is a tale about vampyres. It may (does) have some sexual content and extreme violence.

It is told from Desirae's point of view. She is the queen of the dead and loves her power. The Hansons world is turned upside down when she proprositions them. It's a deal they can't refuse. To rule the dead and have unlimted power. But it's not the whole truth. There's something more that she wants and she always gets what she wants...Taylor. But she soon finds that she and her new king don't see eye to eye. He wants more power...hers.

So please read this. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think.


Chapter I

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