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    Lastly, it should also be mentioned that seven Initiates of the Rose Cross go out into the world to inspire religion, science, art, medicine, philosophy, music and the social order. The other five Initiates remain within the Temple at all times where they work on a spiritual level. They are never seen in the outside world. Also, at midnight, all twelve take up evil forces in the world to which they open their heart forces thereby transmuting these evil forces to good. The tones that emanate from the twelve Initiates reflect a truth of esotericism that spiritual tone is the foundation of all things. In our innermost selves lies a spiritual tone.]

    On this same night which is cold, dark and frosty there comes the arrival of a child who is born not far from the Black Forest. In a small cottage in the country that is lighted and warmed by a crackling fire is the mother, father, midwife and newly born child. The mother has just given birth to the child and is holding him close. There is a calm peace that lies in the hearts of everyone in the cottage. Even the night has taken on a very still silence. The silence in the cottage is broken when a bright light and a rushing sound of wind fill the room. The room grows ever brighter with light. In a corner of the room a bright, spherical white light begins to form. Gradually, out of this white light appears an angel. Her image is ethereal rather than physical. She fills the entire corner of the room. The angel appears in a glistening blue gown. Her eyes are filled with bright light. Swirling golden light stream in and out through her back in two separate streams giving the appearance of wings of light. When she speaks, she speaks in a voice that is soft, yet compelling. This angel is the guardian angel of the child. The angel tells them that this child is a very special child. She has come to ask them to give him up to the Initiates of the Rose Cross in order that they may train and instruct him with all their wisdom and ascendancy. The parents initially are unwilling to give up their son. They refuse to even consider it.

    The angel then tells them that this child was incarnated during the time of the Christ and that he has now been reborn in this century. He was Lazarus whom the Christ raised from the dead. His name had then been changed to John. He was the one Apostle who stood under the cross at the Christ’s crucifixion and later wrote the ‘Gospel of John’ and the ‘Book of Revelation’. He was, “. . .the Apostle whom the Lord Loved.” He is to be given a very special mission of ushering in a higher form of Christianity that will come to unfold during the Age of Michael, the exalted archangel. This Age, the angel continues, will dawn towards the last century of this millennium. With it will come a greater and deeper understanding of the Christ, the Cosmic EGO-I AM and that his more immediate task, along with Michael the archangel, is to do battle with Lucifer in the 14th century and that later towards the end of the millennium, a confrontation with satanic powers will ensue. [ Rudolf Steiner repeatedly points out that Lucifer and Satan are two separate beings and forces of power, both in confrontation with the Christ Spirit. However, Rudolf Steiner names Satan as ‘Ahriman’ which is taken from the Ancient Persian culture. Goethe named this same being (Ahriman) as ‘Mephistopheles’ in his work ‘Faust’.]

    After the angel finishes speaking, the parents of the child are still suspicious and unwilling to give up the child. The angel now admonishes them to open up their hearts and put aside their suspicions as the angel now shines its light upon the parents, midwife and child. An ethereal golden rose begins to appear before the angel. The angel opens its arms and immediately the background behind it dissolves and there appears a spectacular vision of Michael and his legion of angels. When they look upon Michael they see his face only. It is a face that glows with the light of the sun. It is a vision that overwhelms the parents of the child. This vision and the angel have now convinced the parents to give up the child in order for him to fulfill his mission with the Initiates of the Rose Cross and with Michael the archangel.They understand that it is this child that will be the thirteenth of this Brotherhood in conformance with the cosmic order of creation as he will one day become their central figure.     

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