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*Last page update: Dec. 13, 2000* 

Well, I hope you have a lot of time on your hands, because describing a person is a very lengthy process.  Try describing yourself in three words.  




What three words did you pick??  Not easy is it?  Well, if I had to pick three words, just out of the clear blue, to describe myself, I think they would be "complicated," "intelligent," & "big-hearted."  Okay, so I cheated and scammed an extra word in there.  I couldn't help it...  hee hee.

  First off, a big welcome to all who have gotten this far.  Second off, another picture for those of you who like eye candy:

  To start off, I'll tell you a little bit about myself.  I am a 21 year old female, living in Beaufort, SC.  I am a Christmas Eve baby (yes, it sucks).  This IS my hometown, but I'm pretty carefree about any cracks you may have about Beaufort..   I moved back to Beaufort from Savannah, GA, in December 1999.  Savannah is a fairly nice place to live.  Savannah is responsible for me knowing so much about rave culture.  Good thing??  You decide...    I moved back home because my mom was diagnosed with cancer (too deep for some?  sorry Charlie, it's life).  I am the only child so it is my obligation to come back home to take care of mom.  But, everything pays off I assume.  I have a great job here in Beaufort (I am an office manager for a construction company - you know, I'm the chick behind the paperwork in those little trailers on construction and Savannah surely couldn't offer me that.  I guess I kind of go with the hand life plays me, and aim for the sky.  In late March or early April this job will finish up and I do not know where I will head from here, but hopefully it will be good and far away from this little town.  I'm registered at Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton, FL) for August - we'll see if that happens.

  I am a very strong believer in love and life.  Yeah, that covers a lot of things, but those things are what makes a person, a person.  When it comes to love, I believe in true love (yeah yeah the way of a chick, right?).  As they say, don't knock it until you try it, right?  If you've ever been in love, you know it really IS humanly possible.  It's really hard to fall across but when you do, you know.  I do not look for love, but I am keeping my eyes open.  And when he walks across my path, I'll know. And that is not an open invitation...

  As for life...  wow what a totally different ball game.  Life is a game within itself.  You learn what you live.  You live what you learn.  It's like some twisted spiral of sorts.  Those who have been abused, hurt, stolen from, lied to... you all know how it feels.  It's all life bearing down on you.  If you've dealt with poverty, sickness, or disaster of any kind, then hell!  You are a stronger person than most!  Stand up, be proud.  Live for what you believe in.  If you have no strong feelings about anything, then get a heart transplant.

   I believe in a lot of things involving life in general....

 **I believe there should be a woman president and an african american president.  Hell, make it an African American Woman president!   

 **I believe the elderly should be issued damn chauffers.  

 **I believe traffic is a sick joke. (though it's a small thing - always remember that)  

 **I believe music is the most beautiful thing on earth.  

 **I like to dance (and rave the night away), I like to play, and I like to make love.

 **I believe everyone should give a dollar to the poorest person they know.  Eventually, that person could buy some dinner with those dollars.  

 **I believe people should be put in jail for throwing their trash into our beautiful oceans.  There is nothing more disguisting than scuba diving and being surrounded by a beautiful school of fish, and than noticing you are also surrounded by people's waste - smashed beer cans, soda rings, etc.  Blah!  


**I believe everyone should take a moment out of each day to reflect on what they have learned, or to just relax.  I believe people SHOULD stop to smell the flowers. Literally.  

 **I believe one person should respect another's religion, no matter what their own beliefs are.  

 **I believe abortion is murder.  

 **I believe cancer IS curable, along with aids, herpes, and heart disease...  it just takes one brilliant soul to find that cure.  And if you don't help someone else believe in themselves, that brilliant soul may never try...

 **I believe animals should be respected.  No, I'm not against hunting.  Actually, I am okay with hunting, as long as it's for the meat, not the coat or the teeth or just the kill.  I believe animal abusers should serve jail sentences like child abusers would.  I mean, what kind of person beats a puppy to death?  The kind that would do the same to your children?  Probably.  

 **I believe domestic violence offenders should all get the sh!t beat out of them for once, to see what it feels like.  

 **I believe all people should be active in their lives, eat well, take vitamins, and just be healthy, by their own free will.  Active things like working out, kick boxing, hiking, swimming, SCUBA (woo hoo), even things like bowling or roller skating...  they relax a person's stresses.  If everyone had just ONE active thing they did on a regular basis, the world's population would be much healthier and happier.  

 **I believe every person, of every race or sex or religion, should never judge another person for being different than what they are.  

 **I believe in you.
