Philip and Nathanael St. John i. 43-51 by C. M. S. Mason III "On the morrow," the fourth recorded day --- How well we mark the first days of our stay In a new home, new country! John does more, New life he chronicles from hour to hour, Unfolds his memories of fourscore years, Fresh, vivid, as what passed but yesterday! Christ went not to Jerusalem, where the scribes Who knew the law might give a prophet hearing : A Galilean was He reared ; the three Who followed Him were also Galileans ; Wherefor it was that many works were wrought In Galilee of the Galileans -- link between The wider world He came to save and Judah. On the morrow He was minded to go forth Into Galilee, and there He findeth Philip. "Follow Me," said the Master, and he followed. (We bid those only who must obey our word.) Was it that Philip had so read the prophets That he knew the Christ when he saw Him? Happy those comrades of Bethsaida, Knit long ago by converse of Messias, Andrew and Peter, Philip and another! 112 Philip goes forth to find Nathanael --- Subtle and simple, learned in the law ; --- "We have found Him, O Nathanael, of whom wrote Both Moses and the prophets ; scorn not thou, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph !" (Messias, out of Nazareth, out of Joseph ?) "Can a good thing come out of Nazareth ?" Nathanael asked with Jewish scholar's pride. "Come thou and see," was all that Phillip said, But in the word such strong assurance spake, The other needs must follow. Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him, saith of him ; (Sword of the Spirit, piercing the man's marrow !)--- "Behold, an Israelite in whom no guile !" Not word of searching praise, how just so'er, Should win Nathanael : "Whence knowest Thou me ?" Dubious, he asks ; and Jesus, --- "Ere Philip called Thee to Me, I saw thee under the tree." So simple words ! But, as a keen-edged sword, They pierced the heart of this deep-learnèd Jew ; In solemn words he spake first one more creed Pronounced in Christendom : "Thou Son of God, Rabbi, art Thou ; the King of Israel !" Whence knew Nathanael thing that many souls Seek after all their days nor ever find ? Was it that, underneath the fig-tree, he 113 Had first cried out to his God, "Haste Thou the Coming Of Him who shall redeem His Israel ?" Answered the Lord, "Because I said to thee I saw thee underneath the tree, believest ? Thou shall see greater things than these. That ladder Jacob once saw where angels came and went --- That sign shall be fulfilled before your eyes ; Ye shall see heaven opened and the angels Coming and going, on the Son of Man,--- That Ladder, scaling up from earth to heaven, Whereby men's prayers ascend, God's graces come."