On a Picture by C. M. Mason On Murillo's reverent and spiritual interpretation of S. Luke i. 33. "Immaculate Conception" vii CHILD of Art, Spirit-born, Our thanks we give For the still holiness, The fair child innocence, For the worship embodied In thee that live! Well was't to make thee rise, Thou woman pure! Held by slight chain of sin, Few earth-tied hopes within, Drawn to Centre above thee, Thy course were sure! Knowest how high thou art, God-seeking soul, Above all earth's clamour, Above the moon's glamour, Above the thick clouds which still Over us roll? Nay, thy Simplicity Knows not its state! 20 21 Into thy joy's pure deep Thought of self might not creep, And leave thee unconscious still, Childlike and great. In air we breathe not yet Thy soul doth soar ; We climb the heights of prayer Only by efforts rare :- But, higher thy dwelling-place, Thou dost adore! The Power of the Highest 'Tis thine to know : In fearing the Mystery, Adoring the Majesty, And loving that Love supreme All thy powers flow. What meed to the seer Who for men brought, From the innermost shrine, 'Neath the Shadow divine, That face, in its purity Hushing our thought? ¼;