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The development of writing/The Tower of Babel and the Flood and other conundrums

This is the main crux of the date argument with the Bible, We have the dates of the flood and the Tower of Babel.

As explained in my Prehistory page I have calculated the date of the Flood as 2,517 BCE, and the Tower of Babel as between 2,226-1,987 BCE.

Now, one argument I here from creationists (and I have recently read this in an Answers in Genesis pamphlet they sent me) is that the world is 6,000 years old can be shown because we only have written records going back 5,000 years. I started digging around about this. If Creationists accept that figure, I was curious about the actual dates (How the Creationists date this 5,000 year old written history is another matter, they must use Carbon 14 dating, I assume).

Here are the dates given for the development of writing in different parts of the world: Chronicle of the World

Pg. 37 Sumer - c. 3,200 BCE

Pg. 38 Egypt - c. 3,000 BCE

Pg. 62 - China c. 1,390 BCE, but is now dated at 2,800 BC:

Now, however, the date of the first Chinese writing has been pushed further back:

A continuos written record from 3,200 BC and three different writing systems from 2,800 BC

This is not argued with by Creationists, that is 5,000 Years ago. The problem is "harmonising" this with the Biblical account. The flood occurred in 2,517 BC, which is after the dates of these first writing systems. So, before the flood there were different, unconnected languages. These were then wiped out by the flood (which the Egyptians didn't notice) and then God split up the languages. This is ridiculous.

Stone age people lived in Caves made of limestone. I think that is generally accepted, due to the cave paintings and skeletons etc found.

Limestone is made from millions of marine fossils. I would say that it took millions of years to form, but I know the Creationist view is that marine fossils in mountains were formed by the flood. Did the caves form at the same time, or as geologists say were they formed slowly. Flint is always found associated with limestone/chalk. Where the flint comes from can be identified by examining microfossils in it. A very good example is how they found where Otzis (the stone age ice-man found in the Alps) flint knife came from. As these micro-fossils come from marine creatures and are found in high mountains all stone age implements must have come from after the flood.

So, Stone age men, Neanderthals et al. must have lived after the flood. This dates them very accurately.

The pyramids were built using limestone, also laid down at the time of the flood. So they were built after the flood.

How do you account out a year long flood in about 2,517 BCE, which wipes out all life, and a single language being used up to 2,226 BCE with three continuos written records going back to 2,800 BCE? And how does the Creationist model fit in with the use of Limestone in the construction of the pyramids, the habitation and tool use of stone age man?

Answers on a Postcard please.

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