
Shit! (Freddy)
"I have to find some way to entertain myself. God kows you can't masturbate in public." Bevin
"Wrap that rascal." The sex talk Given to Paul and Matt
"Brendan use proctection. Don't let Tiffani get u pregnant." A confused Bessie
"All dildos all the time." Bessie
"You see Tiff when a producer and a director love each other very much...." Paul
"I missed his first word, his first steps. I'll be damed if I'm not there to see the weight of the world crush his dreams." Oswald (the Drew Carey show)
"You don't bring sand to the beach" Kid Rock (on bringing a date to the vma 1999)
"If it was a good night, you got a star in your crotch." Gene Simmons
"You just want something that's warm, smiles and spits." Gene Simmons
"How am I going to live my life without my daughter?" mother who's child was killed
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." over heard
"Put her out in the sun and she'd catch on fire." comment over heard about girl and her awful pants
"The black chicks like booty so I thought this would work." Carrot Top
"Honey, he's a princess." Dave
"I can't touch her short sword; it makes me giddy." me
"I'll get him drunk. And you know what? I've got these oils and lotions!" over heard (spring break)
"Why are you doing this? You're making me unhappy!" over heard
"It's a beatin'" Jon (on just about everything)