MemoriesBevin and Bessie using me as a sex toy.
Yaking on Yoda's back.
Smoking with Becca at WT.
Freddy's Halloween party.
Road Trip!(with wolfie and sarah)
Brad attacking Wolfie no matter where we are.
Freddy sticking his utters in Wolfie's ears.
Teaching Emily how to nod her head and how to make a fist. (she's a baby)
Everytime Val couldn't feel her lips.
My first time going to Rocky HOrror Picture Show. (I got into a fight with some boy and it was fun!)
Grandma Ridgeway's wake. (umm, u had to be there.)
First time I had sex with Brendan. ("I want daisys and black-eyed susans at my funeral." He almost fucked me to death.)
Eating at Little Toyko.
Waking up to find Brendan watching me sleep.
The first time I saw Becca drunk. (She loved everyone that night)
The night i was really smashed and asked Brendan to marry me.("You can wear a dress and everything. I"ll even get a tux!)
Smoking in the bathroom with Bessie and Wayland (and learning way too much about their sex life.).
Watching Brendan wash. ("Are you getting some kind of perverted pleasure from this?")
Every time the Blue Chair Mafia went out to eat.
Playing with my brother in the snow.
Hanging out with Chad and Wolfie @P. W.
Grandma jokes
Aunt Barb and Tracie arguing over an imaginary resturant.
The time my mom convinced me I was adopted.
Eating pizza watching movies with Rob and Mel.
Brad always attacking Wolfie no matter where we are. (the chase seen @Golden Corral)
Making movies, eating pizza and then watching movies with John and Kimmy.
Jon and his amazing breasts. (he finally told me what the were made out of!)
Erin and her ability to shake a whole car with one leg.
All the b.s. Tommy fed me.
Laughing on the floor so hard that my mom and I couldn't get off the floor.
The anime viewing party at Pip's.
The Buger King journey (Dustin, Mike, Horton, and me)