Please, Take a little time to look at the sites / organisations i support


Please, Take a little time to look at the sites / organisations i support.

This is the other half of my site - it concentrates on Self - Injury and Depression.

I began to learn sign language In June 2000, i was surprised at the lack of resources for the deaf, even though British Sign Language (BSL) is the preferred, or first, language of approx 15,000 people in Britain BSL Browser

Suicide is the 3rd most common cause of death in 13-18 year old girls. And is sadly increasing rapidly in males of the same age group. This site premotes awareness of Teen suicide.
Free speech on the Web!
The invisible ribbon for more nonsense on the web

Hidden Scars
is a message board on Self-Injury run by an amazing woman named Elizabeth Nichols. Please, if you are interested feel free to go along but *do* be respectful. (Note - you do not need a yahoo address to access this - if you have a problem just use the links in the frame to the left)Also be careful as some of the material there is potentialy disturbing.

if you have anything you want to raise awareness about and would like me to include here, E-mail Me

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