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.....And this is I.... I have many pages however I shall never have none quite like this one. For this page is me, it shall represent my pain, my sadness, my joy, and my love. All through poetry, and through many songs of which I have created. You shall find a few of my pictures, which I promiss will be updated when I get new ones taken....
Let us begin shall we?
First the songs
The Crow
I see a crow Fly high
I feel the clouds Darkening the Sky
They take away my fear
A storm is brewing and the crow don't care
Feathers Flapping in the air
Thunder fills your ears
Everyone crys tears of blood
The crows are what they fear
The Graveyard comes alive at night
Death Souls join in the flight
Blood will shed and people will die
Theres no hope for good when the crows fly high
Feathers flapping in the air
Thunder fills your ears
Everyone cry's tears of blood
The crows are what they fear
Feathers Flapping
in the air
Since you beg and you plead to hear my speak
I'll tell you a story, of love and me
I wake up and I crawl out of my bed
I know it's going to be the same as yesterday
But I don't care anymore I don't care why should I
I have no reason to believe just becuase I know
Everyday is the same old shit
Everyday is the same as yesterday
I don't know what the point is in living anymore
It's going to be boring until something happens
And it better be something good
I walk out onto my belcony
And I look out onto my field of dreams
My prince rides on his black horse under my vision
He looks to me and sais he loves me
But too bad it's just a dream
I can't bear the torcher anymore
It's to powerful in my heart to feel it's pain
I'm still searching for princh charming
I walk out onto my belcony
And I look out onto my field of dreams
My prince rides his black horse under my vision
He looks to me and sais he loves me
But to bad it's just a dream
I walk out onto my belcony
And I look out onto my field of dreams
My prince rides his black horse under my vision
He looks to me and sais he loves me
But to bad it's just a dream
He dismounts and climbs my tower
The wind whips at my gown
He reaches out to me like a farietale
But a farietale is all this is
If only dreams came true
If only dreams come true
Death of Us all
Pain is a pleasure felt by all
It twists you molds you
Into what your not ever to be
I am the pain we all suffer
I am the one who caused my soul
I am the one who caused
Death of us all
My heart so cold so black
Hated myself for my pain
As we all know this pleasure
Is it's own enemy if not controlled
I am the pain we all suffer
I am the one who caused my soul
I am the one who caused
Death of us all
It is my fault my cold heart
That caused everyones suffering
For that I caused Death....
Death of us all
Death of us all
Death of us all
I am the pain we all suffer
I am the one who caused my soul
I am the one who caused
Death of us all
Sad Hate
Once there then gone again
Things we shared in our bliss
Things we shared in our kiss
Then never retrieved
You were so simply so here
You slipped away between my grasp
The harshness of your words
The laughter at me
Peacfull times now gone again
you wre there happily
I was there too
Until the bliss ended
You were so simply so here
You slipped away between my grasp
The harshness of your words
The laughter at me
I still feel you here
In a diffrent way
It was once lovingly
Now it's hatefully
You were so simply so here
You slipped away between my grasp
The harshness of your words
The laughter at me
Why did you laugh so harsh
Why am I here alone
For this revenge shall seak
You were so simply so here
You slipped away between my grasp
The harshness of your words
The laughter at me
There I am feeling guilty
There you are my love
The dirt will tap
At your casket door
You were so simply so here
You slipped away between my grasp
The harshness of your words
The laughter at me.........
Dragon Soul
Mystical fire line
Penetrating eyes of yours
Mystical love of mine
For you I'll open my soul doors
Dragon eyes
Your grace is mine
Dragon Soul
You and I are whole
Black scales in dying light
I made you here
Crystal scales unite
Our embrace so clear
Dragon eyes
Your grace is mine
Dragon Soul
You and I are whole
Dragon now
Dragon forever
Dragon you
Dragon me
I lay beside you smiling
thinking of how perfect
everything is with you
the one I love, the only one
You together with me
a sweet surrender of my heart
a love that can never die
I close my eyes
and listen to your heart
beating soft and strong
for me, only me
you together with me
a sweet surrender of my heart
a love that can never die
you are my love
my only love
I am your love
your only love
you together with me
a sweet surrender of my heart
a love that can never die
never will die
never ending
never lost
allways here
@---{----with you
Eternal Hate
Raven embraced through eternal hate
lost souls wonder, a mercyful fate
the death of those whom call
is the life of one who will silently fall
Darkness like a raven is all through my being
the pain I feel, you gave it to me
I will never trust you, never love you
I eternally hate you, for what you are
lost souls wonder, a mercyful fate
the death of those whom call
is the life of one who will silently fall
I will forever wonder free, unlike you
you will be pitted in a rage of fear
you will lay there shaking, crying
and I will be loose, laughing
The death of those whom call
is the life of one who will silently fall
I was screaming in agony, you
I was in torment, begging to be free
you held onto me, killed me
even in death, my screams filled your ears eternally
The life of one who will silently fall
She snuck into your life,you laughed with her
you held her close, told her you loved her
she took your breath away, left you
she won't hear your screams, you were silent
Raven embraced through eternal hate
lost souls wonder, a mercyful fate
the death of those whom call
is the life of one who will silently fall
Occursed Self
A way For one to see through me
Is for them to understand me
How I wish for another to be so cursed
How I wish for another to see this pain
The ripping tearing of my very own soul
Shatters the silence and peacefulness
in my ears, my head, my heart
Why can I not meet another like me
If I ever could I would meet myself
And they might wish the same as me
Then I would have one to grasp onto
Tear Me
Sadness is one I know too well
For the tear that was in my heart
Has now become a pattern of ribs
A powedered dust, ice, is all thats left
Of something that was at one time
Whole and filled with life
You cut me down
Drug me out
You tore my hopes
Shattered my soul
Why is it only me
That you killed
So cursed for abyss
I often wondered
Shall I ever see clearly again
Will this pain go away
Will I meet my destiny
My death
A death of her own
Silent footsteps on the floor
The figure walks in the room
The fall of ebony on her face
Lips as black as coal
Eyes as blue as ice
She takes a drink from her goblet
Then it crashes to the floor
She crys this night not for a death of another
But for a death of her own
The door swings open wide
The rain from outside
Drips from him to the floor
His footsteps thunder through the hall
He runs to her body
His tears are pure
As beautiful as the victem
As clear as the rain
As refelctive as the shattered goblet
This night he crys not for himself
But for the death of her own
A Dark Night
Depression begins as a light grey
It sounds of dead silence
tasting the bitter sweet salt
The smell of a lit match
The look of a passing shadow
The feeling of a dull ache
The grey darkens
The sound of an echoing storm
Tasting the bitter silver
The smell of a raging fire
The look of a dragons eye
The feeling of being lost
Black as the deepest night
The raging storm
Tasting your own blood
The smell of decaying flesh
Dragon whole

My photos

Halloween Shanie
Me myself and I
Shanie and Angel~smiles~
Halloween Angel
Halloween me.......
