My So Called Journal

Yeah it's me J.Ripper

Although noone will see this it's worth a shot to help myself... any comments? questions even.. send them to me...

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You can pass this information around, let poeple look over your shoulder as you read it.. just remember one thing i'm only passing this Page Address to those i care about and care about me..
so heed my warning, you let others see this or run your gossip to others.. it just shows how much of a friend you are..

4-5-2000 6:00am

This eve has probably been one of the worst in the past two months..
I talked to my GF last night on the phone, *chuckles* and she began talking to one of her sisters freinds that was visiting..
that didn't bother me at the least, what really sent my roller coaster on a spin was the conversation she had with him.. and so it goes in short..
"oh god, i wish i went to the concert too! i love the lead singer, i'd strip naked just to be onstage with him!" i said naturally, "i think not"
her next words really got me. she told me blatently to "fuck off" mind i've grown used to it these past months, but the boy was right there near her.. after he left i assume, she began to scream not horribly loud but loud enough..
telling me how much of a whiner i was.. now if any of you know me, it takes alot these days to piss me off, and alot to make me whine about it..
I of course faught with her about it for a good ten minutes.. then the music began to play on her side louder than it was..
mind you during me speaking to her.. then while i talk telling her my side, she begins to sing to the music.. when she started to sing i stopped talking.. when she was done, she didn't even acknowledge the fact that i was speaking..
Big suprise. *shakes his head* then things seem to cool down and we hung up.. now remember i said that was last night i've had quite abit of time for it to dwell on my brain, everything actually..
two months, two months of her bitching, blowing me off for phone calls or even me getting to see her.. now mind you, there is a decent reason for all this which some of you know and others i may allow to know, i just don't want it public info..
but as i said a decent reason, Decent meaning to a certain extent in my book and others that i have shared.. she really crossed the line, and won't truly fess up to it.. she merely says, "i had a good enough reason." well that reason has been over and she continues on..
Beside one day out of this last two months i've only had one day, half a day at that of affection.. and if you know me well i need it bad..
To make matters worse i've been with her for 4 years this August.. yet she's going to move, far enough away, for college.. granite, schooling is a good thing, but after 4 years wouldn't you try to figure out a way to stay with your lover and go to school also? that question i truly want opinions about..
During all this, my mind has reeled to the left, right, up, and down.. i've been slowly sinking into a bottomless pit.. and i've truly had no one to catch me, or throw a rope..
things are hard these days and i don't know what to do... RIPPER

4-6-2000 2:30am.
Well i thought after i wrote before, today is a new day..
i was just foolin myself yet again. i waited like a fool near the phone hoping she'd call.. she never did...
well not much to say really.. i'm supposed to visit her tomarrow at her home, not going to be an easy task since i have no license, nor a ride..
hey, i needed a good walk anyways.. just hope the sun isn't bright tomarrow.. Ripper

04-08-2000 12:00pm (noon)

One word, Astonishing.. two days straight, not a problem at all with the gf..
*chuckles* it seems she's doing much better...
i have been in what seems a pleasant mood since thursday morning when i went to see her.. everythings gone well..
Although i did get abit cranky but, thats because i'm not sleeping all to well and hour or two here and there is making me abit *chuckles* irratable..
i'm going to sleep for abit.. wake up at 4:30.. new episodes of my fave cartoon DBZ is on Cartoon network.. can't miss them..
the GF is busy today, but she says if she can't visit she'll call..and for once i beleive it.. i know she will...
well off to bed i am... Ripper

4-10-2000 10:15am

Well it seems after only a few days i've already been betrayed when it comes to me choosing who gets to see this and who doesn't.. *shrugs*
not that it suprises all that much i actually expected it to happen..
i even got a message from the person who didn't have any right to look at any of this..
Although, i didn't want just anyone seeing this.. i have to deal with this situation.. not a problem!
all i do is talk about my problems.. no? thats what a journal is for..
but this person did come to a true point, so i've come to a conclusion about the intrusion matter.
since i agree to somewhat that was said, i'm going to post it and then answer it.. so here goes Intruder!
of all the years shhe's known you, she's always stuck by your side
and defended you. why don't you write about the good? there is
always a good and bad side to a person. if you only let the world
know how bad she is then the world will never know what you
really had that was so good to stay with for 4 years. realize that
life isn't always fair and move on to find the fairness you deserve.
as for the school issue, she probably had to find something she
didn't have. we all need things, look at your needs. is their
something there that you want? that you need? life is very hard
and even more unfair, sometimes you can't change that either, but
you can make it a little bit easier on yourself. find what you want,
and let me know when you find it...............................................
sincerely, the one who was looking over a shoulder
and had a change of heart
p.s. you'll find it

Well, to the first comment and question..
yes, she has defended me and stuck by my side.. compare it to what i've done towards her, it equals things out..
somewhat.. I've stood by her through thick and thin, even when I was cheated on..
now the question, "Why don't you write about the good?"
the whole reason i started this was to vent my emotions.. isn't that what a journals for?
i would think so..
Letting poeple know the good points in the relationship?
good point.. i do agree but just as i said above this is a place to vent..
she does deserve that much, but if i type everything she's done for me that was good.
i'd be typing my brains out..
either way this was for the poeple that cared about me and i cared about, this is for those to see..
because for so long i've kept my mouth shut through thick and thin
telling my friends lies like, "how are you doing Jon?" and i always said good to great..
i've always been everyone elses shoulder to cry on.. i never had one my whole life..
i'm not asking for sympathy here at all, although the messages i've gotten are a good pat on the shoulder..
telling me it'll be ok.. that helps me through things..

I have looked at my needs for the past few months.. yes granite, things have been hard..
i've realized that she is what i need, she makes me complete.. even through the hardships..
things come out right in the end..
Your damn right life is hard.. for four years it's always been a pain in the ass..
not because of my gf, but because her parents always talked trash behind my back. but was kind to my face..
anyone remember watching the second Batman flick? her parents remind me of Two-face!
yes i am getting abit rude, but after the recent trouble me and my gf went trough i've come to realize just how
selfish her parents can be..
i've found what i want.. i know what i want to do for my future career.. and who i want to be with for the rest of my life..

but with that whole comment i say this.. through out my four year relationship there has only been
3 to 4 percent of bad time and they in my mind not as bad as it's been these past few months..
she's been wonderful to me and i her.

Now, on to the better outlook..
the past few days have been splendid. outright wonderful.. i haven't had a pissed off
outlook on anything besides my next door neighbor..
she comes over to my house yesterday and just short of ordering my father and i to
to move a fuckin Organ that she baught at an auction into her house..
my father being the nice guy that he is told me to just deal, and help him move it..
but the real piss of is, after we moved this 500 maybe 600lbs hunk of wood
and pipes, and a airpump all in a wooden box..
she proceeds to tell us how it took 4 guys to move the fuckin thing and that she really didn't even want the bloody thing..
and to top it off she never said thank you, let alone offered any money..
from lifting the damn thing i disloated my right shoulder.. still in pain as i speak..
she never said i hope your arm gets better..*chuckles* see what you get for being a nice neighbor no? Ripper

April, 28,2:45pm 2000..

today just isn't my day.. feelin pretty bad..
feelin like i've got strep throut just makes me an irratable person.. i can't eat.. can't hardly smoke a whole cigarette..
and i even gots to go to prom with my gf.. now remember she nor i even go to the school anymore.. but i guess it's the whole.. girls need to dress up every so often..
me being sick though i don't think i'll be all to much fun.. but for her sake i'll try my damndest to be as perky and cheerful as possible.
after prom her and her freinds want to go bowling in there prom outfits.. *chuckles* it'll be a sight to see, and i promise to tell you about it tomarrow..
well got to go for now things to do! Ripper..

April 29, 11:00am..

last night was for the most part quite amusing.. especially the bowling *chuckles* and i got pictures! i will be posting them for your and my own amusement.. they should be developed today or tomarrow.
as soon as i scan them they'll be here...Ripper