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Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

~ Saint Patrick's Day Silliness ~

At first I was a little bit hesitant about adding this page to my Saint Patrick's Day pages ~ I suppose mostly because the cartoons are from another web site and I didn't want to copy the way that site is set up ~ and also because the sheer tomfoolery of the comics just didn't match the tone, and the need to tell a story, of the rest of the pages on my site.. But this page does tell a story.. An important one that I tell with gladness.

Yes, I was hesitant at first, but every time I looked at the cartoons I just had to laugh ~ I really love them ~ I think they're terrific. Slowly I'd been getting used to having this page up on my website ~ And tonight ~ as I'm putting the finishing touches on the graphics for my pages ~ other cartoons, music and movies that have made me howl with laughter ~ and cry tears because they touched me so deeply came to mind ~ so it is with great joy that I add this page to my website ~ it's a page that will be updated often ~ every time I find a cartoon strip that touches my heart with bit of happiness.

To the writers and artists, cartoonists, actors, musicians and producers, the creative and technical people behind the art and technology that is growing in the computer industry. Those of us who know and love God and His people, and those who need Him more than you now realize:

God and Mary's Blessing

St. Patrick ~ The Story
St. Brigid of Ireland
St. Valentine's Irish Connection
The Irish Origin of the Rosary
Marian Shrine at Knock
Our Lady of Ireland Apparition

Dayiel's Castle Home ~ Main Index
emailSt Patrick's Day Homepageguestbook
Holiday Joy Index ~ Country Cards to send

Special thanks go to 'A Scotland On Line Production' for the St. Patrick cartoons.

St. Patrick's Day

Special warm hugs, thoughts and prayers for the folks at
~ Inspired Christian Technologies (ICT) ~
Who truly are an inspiration.

In memory of Charles Shultz, the artist of the 'Peanuts' gang
...Through the mercy of God, may he rest in peace. Amen.

In the thoughts and prayers of everyday living ~ To the artist of the comic strip 'B.C.' who's Easter cartoons, especially the one where their garments are washed white as snow in a red river, always seem to make me cry tears of joy and thanksgiving ~ To the young artist, Mike Peters, who does 'Mother Goose and Grimm.' Ponder ~ Or is it Grimmy who does you? I howl with laughter at just the expressions on your character's faces, your cartoons on John Paul II, Grimmy's comment on acid rain and so many other things that are in my mind and heart are just too funny! To the author and artist of the cartoon 'Family Circle' who's kids make so many funny comments on their way to Church each Sunday.. thanks for sharing your Sunday with me.. I have to work on Sundays ~ and its a dash to mass either before or after work ~ I like your way of doing it better. To these and so many others not mentioned here.. A prayer of thankfulness is given for the joy and laughter that your art brings to my day.

RCI PageArt ~ Rose Castle Imaging

This page was created with Netscape Navigator Gold


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And last updated on March 3, 2000