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Dayiel's Castle Home

~ Dayiel's Realm ~
Rose Petals of Chivalry

Sword dedicated to God ~ Carmelite Shield bestowed by my Queen ~ Faithful liege to the Papal throne ~ Roman Catholic, child of God and Mary ~ Delve into these precious Rose Petals of Chivalry that had once tenderly embraced my vocation of Knighthood ~ as Dayiel, quondam Advocate and Holy Warrior of the Realms.

Choose the Path of Wisdom Ye Wish to Follow

Thank you for visiting my web site ~ This page is slowly taking shape. Special warm
hugs and a tremendous heartfelt thank you for your patience in this updating process.

Ronald's September 11, 2001 Ribbons
* The True Presence ~ Our Eucharistic Lord * Roses From Heaven ~ Guadalupe Miracle
* Shielded By Love ~ Carmelite Vocation * The Good News! ~ Christian Current Events
* Gospa Peace ~ Medjugorje Pages * Pope John Paul II ~ Highlighting the Church
* Divine Mercy ~ Jesus, I Trust in You! * Special Thanks To ~ All of you!
* Dayiel's Castle Home ~ Life in Elanthia * Favorite Links ~ I have a ton of them!
Guardian Angel
Holiday Hope ~ Love and Joy
Holiday Index Page ~ Country Card Collections

* Great WebSites to Visit

Very Cool Places to Visit Logos
Our Lady's Gallery
Web Gallery of Art
NCCB/USCC - New American Bible
The Catholic Encyclopedia
New Advent Catholic Website
Catholic Calendar - Feast Days ~ Saints
The Official Mother Goose & Grimm Website
  Prayers and Daily Mass Readings
  Monks of Adoration ~ Chanted Rosary
  Monks of Adoration ~ Liturgy of the Hours
  Morning Prayer (Lauds)
  Vespers (Evening Prayer)
  The Chaplet of Mercy
  The Seven Dolors of Mary
  Daily Readings and Psalms


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And last updated on August 14th, 2001


~ The Feast Day of Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe ~

Priest and Martyr. Born in 1894 in Poland, Kolbe was a Conventual Franciscan priest. He started the Militia of Mary Immaculate and worked as a missionary in Japan before World War II. On returning to Poland, he was imprisoned in Auschwitz. Offering his life in place of another prisoner in charity, he became a martyr.