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Who we are?

We are/were *tears* 18 ferrets owned by human named Margie. She started out stopover about 6 years ago. Margie had her first ferret and wanted another but not a kit. She found it hard to find any adult ferrets. While reading the Ferret Mailing List (FML), she saw people sadly giving up the beloved ferrets due to circumstances beyond their control.

Living by herself in her own place, she thought maybe she could provide another option to some. This option was the idea of a stopover. A temporary place to live until the owners could have them back.

Of course, in the process of doing this, people were calling her or her vet asking if she could take and find homes for unwanted or deserted ferrets. Margie's heart was to big to say no. Thus she started helping to provide the first ferret rescue in the area.

Our names (if she can remember them all).

Jaba, Smudge, Tenaka, & Cayenne; Boo, Rocky & Odo, Tucker & Moose, Skooter, Susie, Nessa & Chanel , Sweetie, Jake and Elwood, Chocolite, and Niles & Schtinka. Our newest arrivals Frankie and Buddie, Wiggles.

Bridge Crossings.

Our beloved Marris, Jan 4, 1999, after a fight with insulinoma.
Our dearly beloved Frostie, Dec 13, left us after with kidney and liver failure. Frostie, we miss you. Our newest arrival, Sasha, Dec 27, 1999, left us greiving her separation from her original owner.
Time has slipped and my memory at this time fails for a date. The winter months also so us lose my Mr. Oh No Odo to adrenal disease and insulinoma. Mr. Odo was 9 when he left us.
On July 5, 2000 the shelter lost its namesake Samson. Sammy died after a 4 month fight with insulinoma. On July 5, he went into emergency surgery for a mass cell tumor at the rectal area and when opened up was found to have his pancreas filled with tumors. In his best interest he was allowed to pass peacefully across the bridge. Sammy, Mommy is grieving your loss for everything reminds her of you. Take care my love.

January 21, 2000.

Asia is starting to get depressed. She doesn't want to play. Thankfully, a young couple with a ferret is coming to see her today.
2 PM. The young couple came and fell in love with Asia. Asia will now have a cage mate again after losing her former cage mate Sasha. Also, have a new home.

Winter has come and gone. This care taker is getting on in years and feeling it. So forgive the temporary lack of dates

With a melancholy heart, I have chosen to allow 3 kids whom I've cared for to go to a new home so they may enjoy a better life and more attention. The three were Cayenne, Jaba and Smudge. The three went to a new home in Paduccah, KY In August, I received a phone call from them saying all was going well. Nothing more was heard since they did not have internet access. Then in Feb 2001, I received a phone call from them saying that Jaba and Cayenne were doing well and they had moved into their new home. Shocked I asked "What about Smudge?" Only to find out that during the move Smudge had managed to get out of the cage during the move and was somehow injured and died. Alone, with no one holding him.

We had a brief visit by Susie/now named Sassi who was spoken for almost as soon as she arrived. She went to join "5 pillow piranhas" in Georgetown, IL.
Our little jill was mated to Moose at the request of two people wanting Moose's off spring. Sweetie was the jill of choice. (as of 3/27/2000 still waiting to see the kits come.) Sweetie had a false pregnancy and is now spayed.

Due to the high cost of gasoline, and aging car, the shelter will no longer be able to adopt out of the surrounding area or without e-mail access. With the loss of our former vet, the shelter is now operating strictly as a rescue shelter. This means only fur kids whose lives are at risk will be taken in

Not having a knowledgeable vet, I chose to adopt out those shelterees I had considered keeping as my own. With a very grateful heart, Kym and David Long of the Wayward Weasels in Louisville, KY, were able to find homes for Chocolite (now named Noodles) with Merle and Margie, Two Shoos and Houdini, found a forever home with Jim and Jen.
Foster had come to me over Thanksgiving as his playmate had to leave him due to cancer and his Mom didn't want him depressed. I dearly loved my little bedroom ferret, but Foster needed playmates. Skooter (one of mine) just would not accept him into the group. So once again I asked Kim to see if she could help me find him a home. It was a little while, but Foster did find a forever home with a former playmate Noodles (Chocolite), Merle and Margie... Over the Christmas break, a young man called and asked if the shelter accepted ferrets. Margie said yes. On New Years Day, 2001, Cotton came into our house. The young man was in the Air Force and worked at the Air Force Base. Margie truly hoped this time would be different and the young man would care to come and see his fur kid. But no it wasn't. In talking to a new neighbor, Margie was able to place Cotton in a forever home. The new parents had dropped the younger children off at their daughter's house (Margie's new neighbor) for the weekend, so they could spend it with Cotton.

As of February 2001, Margie is now back to just the six of us left. Moose, and Skooter, Tenake and Boo, Chanel and Nessa.
Margie is hoping to put pictures up of those who have been through here. And of course, the 6 of us who are and always still be here.

The end of the story.

It is now (tears flowing) March 5, 2004. All of the little ones have crossed over the bridge. On June 3, 2001 my father died. The last of the kids went to a friend's home for care since I was unable to get a sitter. Tenaka died after surgery to remove 2 huge tumors. Nessa and Chanel died of natural causes. Skooter and Moose were given to a home where they would have free roam and good care.
This will be the last update. I am now devoting my time to trying to help the Ferretwise Shelter. I no longer have a car or any reliable transportation. So I no longer keep any ferrets.