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Popular Web Sites About Living Pterosaurs
Reports of a Living Pterosaur Since 1994, a number of Americans have explored remote jungles and interviewed many eyewitnesses of apparent living pterosaurs Pterodactyloid of Central New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea According to the third edition of the book Searching for Ropens and Finding God, the ten sightings, of pterodactyl-like creatures flying over the island of New Britain, were observed from April of 1989 through 1991. Rhamphorhynchoid Pterosaur From 1994 through 2004, at least six Americans have explored Umboi Island . . . searching for a nocurnal pterosaur-like flying creature called “ropen.” “The following  compilations  of eyewitness  testimony and second-hand  or other accounts,  are supplemented by the conclusions of  Jonathan Whitcomb. . . . nocturnal . . . ropen, duwas, kundua, seklobali, indava, and wawanar. . . . like a Rhamphorhynchoid. Searching for Flying Dragons “After hiking up into the interior, we arrived at Gomlongon Village, where I gave out presents to key villagers.” (Whitcomb’s 2004 expedition on Umboi Island, in brief) Cryptozoology and Pterodactyls “Almost all biology text books . . . proclaim that dinosaurs and pterosaurs became extinct millions of years ago; nevertheless, some people believe in survivors.” Indava of Papua New Guinea A colony of the apparent pterosaurs is near a remote village, north-by-northwest of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea: an almost inaccessible location in the mainland interior. (expeditions: November of 2006 and March of 2007, by Paul Nation, of Texas) The village is Tawa. Read about it in the nonfiction book Searching for Ropens and Finding God, by Jonathan Whitcomb. It has been called the “Bible of modern pterosaurs.” Are All Pterosaurs Extinct? . . . a reply to Glen Kuban’s web page. . . . According to Searching for Ropens, however, “Since no researcher in Europe  . . . had any knowledge of living creatures similar to the fossils, it was  assumed that they were all extinct. The key word is ‘assumed.’” Whitcomb's Book, Searching For Ropens, Asserts Pterodactyl Reported In Papua New Guinea . . . the "pterodactyl" described by the World War II veteran Duane Hodgkinson is a real creature that lives in coastal areas. [press release] Glowing Creatures Videotaped Cliff Paiva, a missile defense physicist working in Southern California, found no common- place explanation for the fourteen seconds of video. [another press release] Book Reviews Regarding Pterosaurs Books related to pterosaurs are reviewed online, including three reviews. Investigations of Reports of Living Pterosaurs in the Pacific Interviews of eyewitnesses . . .  Living pterosaur sighting locations . . . strange lights in PNG . . . grave robbery . . . Other resources on living pterosaurs Live Pterodactyl Expedition by Jonathan Whitcomb The American forensic videographer’s search for ropens on Umboi Island in 2004, including the help of Paul Nation in preparing the future author for a successful expedition on the remote tropical island Pterosaur Seen in South Carolina About the sighting, by Susan Wooten, in which the apparent pterosaur glided gracefully over a highway in a rural area of South Carolina, before it flew off into a swamp. The cryptozoology author Jonathan Whitcomb interviewed her by emails. Flying Dinosaurs in Papua New Guinea First, we need to distinguish between four kinds of evidence gathering: preliminary legal investigations, court trial preparations, preliminary scientific investigations, and scientific presentation preparations. Duane Hodgkinson’s Sighting During World War II, an American soldier walked into a clearing near Finschhafen (New Guinea) with his buddy. Soon after entering the clearing . . . a large “pterodactyl” took off into the air . . . Bioluminescent Pterosaurs I interviewed Paul Nation in his home in Texas, soon after he had returned to the United States from his late-2006 expedition in Papua New Guinea. Bioluminescent Ropen The glowing pterosaur in Papua New Guinea has been witnessed by natives at night. Living Pterosaur Expedition of 2006 Late in 2006, I interviewed Paul Nation in his home . . . just days after he had returned from Papua New Guinea. . . . On one night . . . near Tawa Village, he videotaped two indava lights just before they flew up from a ridge above the village. A Psychologist Saw a Living Pterosaur  [Press Release] The American author noticed similarities between Hennessy's description and that of a creature reported 500 miles to the west, near Finschhafen, Papua New Guinea, twenty- seven years earlier. . . . Whitcomb's book asserts that Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaurs live in Papua New Guinea and that they are larger than Rhamphorhynchoid fossils. Live Pterosaur Deeply searches the meaning of the eyewitness reports and the origin axioms (philosophies) and theories relating to living pterosaur investigaions and beliefs. Hoax Explanations for Living Pterosaurs What do these two accounts have  in common? Each is now believed by many to be a hoax. But not all accounts of living pterosaurs can be easily dismissed as hoaxes. Live Pterodactyl Ropen, kongomato, and other names for apparent living pterodactyls (pterosaurs) seen in Papua New Guinea, Africa, and Cuba