Become An Organ Donor Save A Life
You have the power to be there for someone.
You have the power to save someome’s life.
Become an organ donor and help save lives.

Last June, I created this website because I needed a living kidney donation to save my life. Unfortunately nobody stepped forward. Because of that I went on the transplant waitlist in October. 55 days into my wait I got my kidney on November 24, 2018.

While I was waiting for my turn on the waitlist, I advocated for organ donation. Even after transplant, I still advocate for organ donation awareness. Basically to support those in need of a life saving gift (it saved my life, it can save countless others).

I hope you’ll join my fight.

Official Colors:
Green & Blue

Why Become An Organ Donor?
Donated organs can save up to 8 people.

Donated tissue can save up to 50 people.

Organs that can be donated:

Tissue that can be donated:
    Bone / Tendon
    Vein / Artery
    Heart Valves
More than 123,000 people currrntly are waiting for organ transplantation. To learn more about organ donation including debunked myths about organ donation, or to register as an organ donor visit UPMC Donate Life page.

Center for Organ Recovery and Education


The Impact of One Organ Donor
UPMC Health Bot

How You Can Help

Spread the word on social media.
Spread the word using these these hashtags: #GiveLifeSaveALife #DonateLife. You can also create promotional graphics and banners (like mine) or just by simply talking about it. My graphic below can be used on websites, blogs and social media pages. And as always you can register to be a donor. Remember no matter if you’re a living donor or a donor after death, when you give life you save a life. #GiveLifeSaveALife

How You Can Register
Register at the DMV or at Donate Life events.
One of the best ways is to select YES when you apply or renew your state ID or license at your local DMV. You can also register at Donate Life events. You can also register at your local transplant center or through your personal care doctor.

Start a dialogue with your personal care physician.
You may want to donate much earlier if a loved one is in need. your doctor will then examine you to see if you qualify. They will then assign you to a local transplant center or hospital affiliates for a full evaluation, consultation and full test check list. If you already met with a transplant coordinator make sure to alert your PCP so that they can ensure you have completed all tests and requirements.

Become a living donor.
What IF you already applied to donate (but after death)? If you have a loved one or close friend in need? If you qualify as a donor, it is possible to donate as a living donor. You must be 18-55, in general good health and a selfless reason to donate. It would help the patient in need have a lesser wait, faster recovery and improve quality of life. Where as organs from a deceased donor can take weeks to start working and see results.

Still have questions?
Visit or contact your local transplant center for more info.

Additional Information
Wear Green and Blue in April.
The entire month of April is Organ Donation Awareness Month. Wear green and blue in clothing, accessories and cosmetics.

Help out and/or take part during donor awareness month
As I said above, April is organ donation awareness month. All hospitals and transplant centers use this month to not only campaign for people to register as organ donors, but they also educate and advocate for organ donation. As well as celebrate those who became donors and give the gift of life. This includes both living and deceased donors as well as their family. These events are optional. To learn more contact your local or assigned Transplant center. I attended my first celebration of life event this April. It was a moving and touching event. Not only did I listen to representatives of my hospital speak, I got the opportunity to hear from a transplant recipient and from a family member of a deceased donor. Everybody at that event (including myself) got the chance to light a candle to quietly say prayer and thank the person who saved their life.

Pass along my graphics and use my hashtag.
While I waited on the waitlist, I created my own social media campaign. Those desperate for a living donor from a stranger will do anything to get a organ. From news stories and billboards to get exposure. But for me: I used the power of advocacy on social media to get the word out (not just for me, but anyone in need). I still advocate post transplant to give hope to my community.

Become a member of the community.
Google is your best friend. Google donate life charities and organizations.But before you join, always do your research first. The best way is to ask your transplant coordinator if their center supports or know of any organizations (such as CORE) that have events going on during the month of April or year round.

Pennsylvania Donor Day
Pennsylvania issued their first #DonorDay on January 8, 2020. Also called PA Donor Day or by its hashtag #PADonor Day. January 8 was chosen as the date for the first PA Donor Day. The date 1/8 was chosen because 1 donor can save 8 lives. This day not only promotes organ donation, but educates the public why it’s important. It also debunks any myths and fears a potential donor candidate may have. Organ transplant and education centers use this day to recruit new organ donor sign ups by holding and hosting donor sign up events. For now this awareness day event is only available in the state of Pennsylvania. It is not a nationwide event nor is it recognized by the President of the United States or Congress. It should be available in all 50 states and should be given a proclamation by POTUS and Congress. these nationwide awareness dates are not new. For example the POTUS signs a letter of proclamation that October 15 is Blind Americans Equality Day. It gives non-profit organizations a chance to bring awareness and education for the community. It also recognizes achievements and contributions made by groups or individuals within that community. It’s not easy to get an awareness event proclaimed and it can take years to be signed into law.

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