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Arrgg Maties!

This here be the home of Silverdagger's graphics!

Take what ye will, but ye be warned that these here graphics come with a curse. The curse of Silverdagger's Grandfather the Scurge of the seven seas, Black Dagger!

(Want to know more about the Pirate Black Dagger?
Then click below and hear his tale!)

~Click Here!~

Now be gone with ye!

(Just copy and paste the text where ye want it to show up)

1. The Jolly Rogers Flag

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

2. Me Treasure Chest

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

3. Red Flag

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

4. Blue Flag

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

5. Pirate Logo

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

6. Gold

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!


This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

8. Red

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

9. Blue

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

10. Purple

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

11. Neon

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

12. Rainbow

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

13. Davey Jones

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

14. Sometimes yer hot!

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

15. Which way are we heading?

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

16. For the Ladies of Nevicata Drago!

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

17. Murder out there!

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

18. Walk the Plank

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

19. Walk the Plank 2!

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

20. Plank Happy!

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

21. Small Logo!

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

22. Surrender the Booty! Now!

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

23. Snow Dragon

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

24. Snow Dragon Avatar

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

25. Gold Toothed Pirate

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

26. ND Compass

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

27. Our Grand Frigate!

This here code be for Web sites!

This here code be for Forums!

Thank ye fer coming! If ye be needing any other names with them sparkles on it. Just ask me in the game or on the forums and I can make ye anything!