6/1/1982 - 4/13/2001

Greg was killed in a car accident on April 13, 2001.
While driving home from a night of fishing,
Greg fell asleep and crossed the center line hitting a semi.  
They said he died instantly.
Greg was 18 years old.


Greg was my only child.   When I found out I was pregnant, I couldn't have been happier.  I felt he was the one things that could never be taken from me.  Boy was I wrong there.

Greg was very energetic. He was afraid of nothing.  He loved to have a good time. He would try anything once.  
You can imagine my surprise when he came home and announced he was riding bulls.  Then he started to ride bareback broncs.

I went to watch him ride a bull once and nearly had a heart attack!    The bull stood up in the shoot and I thought it had crushed Greg.  Donny Gay, who was the MC for the rodeo, said, ''There are only two people who know how scared that boy was, him and his Mama when she does his laundry!''  
Greg  got back on it and rode 6 seconds.

Greg had a girlfriend, Beth.  He had given her a ring for Christmas.  They were looking for a place to move into together just days before the accident happened.  

Greg had a job working construction that he loved.  I never seen him so excited to get up and go to work.  He lived to fish, hunt, & go off road in his Bronco II.

Greg had a smile that would melt your heart.  When he wanted something, he would flash that smile, put his arm around me and say ''But Mama''  I couldn't help but give in.

He knew how to work a crowd.  I can't think of anyone who didn't like him.  

Greg touched so many lives
in the short time that he was here.  
He will be terribly missed by everyone.


Greg had so many friends.  
The day Greg died, his family & friends went to the accident site and wrote messages on the road to Greg.  You could never imagine how that touched my heart.  
It was a week before I could bring myself to go to where my son lost his life. The site that I saw  was so overwhelming,  such  thoughtful acts of love and affection.  I couldn't believe that people could care so much about one person.  
The writings to Greg, covered about a 500 ft. section of road.  It is so heart warming and awesome to see this outpour of love.

So many people were effected by the death of my son.
So many lives have forever been changed.

Greg's best friend Coleman, who was with him just before he died, has been just great.  I left it up to him, to pick the pall bearers.  I felt he knew Greg's friends better then I did.  I was in total shock when I found out there where so many of Greg's friends that wanted to be there to carry him one last time.  

Greg had 11 pall bearers.  I feel they all need to be acknowledged.  They were:
Coleman, T.G., Lewayne, Allen, Judd, Ryan, Matt, Pierce, Jack, Adam & Skip.  
''Thank you all for caring about and loving Greg as much as you did.  I hope you will always be a part of our lives.''
Coleman and his family did so much out of love for Greg.  We didn't have a place to lay Greg to rest, so Coleman's family went to their church and asked if we could lay Greg to rest there.  
It is such a beautiful place. It is at the foot of Glassy Mountain, in SC. Greg loved it out there.  That is where you could always find him hanging with his friends.  
The construction job Greg was working on was on Glassy Mountain, it overlooks were Greg is buried.
When we went to pay Coleman's family for the plot, they informed us that they had payed for it.  I can't believe the love, compassion, and thougtfulness from them.  We had never met Coleman's parents before this tragedy.  I feel nothing but love and respect for them.  
''Thank you so much for everything.   It will never be forgotten.   Your family will always have a special place in our hearts.''  
They have raised a great boy and Coleman will always be a big part of our lives.  I pray he will allow us to be a part of his.

Pierce, another friend of Greg's, is the one who called me the night Greg died.  His mom got a call that said Greg was in an accident and he called here to see if Greg was home yet, when I told him no, he told me someone called and said Greg was in an accident and that he was dead.  Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would receive a call like that.  

It took a split second to take the life of my Son
and change my life forever.

Pierce, his mom and some other friends of Greg's took up a collection in Blue Ridge for Greg's funeral costs because we had no insurance.   I would like to thank them and everyone who contributed to this.  
''Thank you.  It was greatly appreciated and needed.''  

I would also like to thank ''Friends''  who took up a collection for us towards the cost of the services.  
''Thank you.  You know who you are.  We will never forget how you were there for us.  We love you all.  Thank you for making us part of your families.''    

Donna and Dale, our neighbors,
''Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you did for us.  You were such a big help.  Greg loved all of you so much.  Your kindness will never be forgotten.''

For everyone else who took the time to be here for our family,
''From the bottom of my heart, Thank you.  I will never forget any of you.''

I would also like to thank Malcolm Lance for having such a beautiful service for Greg.  
A special ''Thank You'' to Greg's friends at Blue Ridge Baptist Church for the beautiful songs you sang at Greg's service.

To me, these are truly acts of love.  
Friends like this are hard to find.
God Bless all of you!


I really don't know if I am coping with this sudden loss of my son, but I manage to get by day by day.  I was left feeling so empty.  The pain is undescribable.  I had so much I wanted to share with Greg, and so many things that were left unsaid.  
I started a sight where Greg's friends and family could share their thoughts and memories with him.  The link is at the bottom of this page if you would like to visit it.

My whole family has been great.  They have all really been here for me.  For that I am so grateful.  God has blessed me with a great family.  

Greg's death brought my mom and I back together.  We hadn't really spoken in a long time.  I think I feel closer to my Mom now then I ever did before.  
''Thank you Mom for being here for me.  I love you.''

Our daughter Jennifer, was great, she was like my rock.  She took charge when it was needed and she brought  the services together.  
''I will never forget that Jennifer, Thank you.  I love you.''

David my husband, has been so great.  
''Thank you Dave for being so patient with me.  I never could of gotten through any of this without you.  I love you.''  

My brother Scott moved from Florida to be closer to me.  He has been so supportive.  
''Thank you Scott, I love you.''

My sister Lori and her children Ashley and Corey, came down to be with me.  
''Thank you guys so much for your love and support.  I love you all.''

My Dad and I have become even closer.  
''I love you Dad.''

By writing to Greg about how I'm feeling and letting him know what is going on in my life, has helped a little.  I don't think I can ever accept the fact that my son will never be coming home to me again.  
I keep myself overly busy so I don't have time to dwell on things.  

Greg is never out of my thoughts,
and will forever live on in my heart.  
''I love you with all my heart Greg.''

I am making roadside memorial crosses
for people who would like to honor
their loved ones as I have Greg.  
Please check it out at

If you would like to read the journal I keep to Greg,
please feel free to do so at


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