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This is Probably About Kiwis...

The Basic History of the Kiwi

Kiwi is the common name for the southeast-asian vine and fruit, also known as Chinese gooseberry (although it has no relation to the green gooseberry) and yangtao. The small egg shaped fruit has a thin fuzzy, brownish-green skin. The inside of the fruit is bright beautiful green, with thousands of eatable tiny black seeds surrounding it's white center. Kiwi may be eaten raw or cooked. the entire kiwi, including the skin is completly eatable.

Chang Kiang Valley of China is where the kiwis history began. it was considered a delicacy by the great Khans who loved the vibrant color of the fruits insides and flavor. Other countries became knowlagable of the fruit around the 1800s to 1900s. A collector for the Royal Horticultuarl Society of Britain sent samples home in about 1847, and one more sent seeds to England in the 1900s. Whole plants were exported from china to the U.S first in 1904, and seeds were brought to New Zealand in 1906. Kiwis today are available worldwide and are produced in the U.S, Greece, Australia, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, and Chile. Due to the late fall harvest of kiwi that California has, fresh fruit is is available to U.S and Canadian consumers durring winter months, an uncommon time for fresh fruits.

Basic Nutritional Facts for the Kiwifruit

According to recent studies, kiwi is the most nutrient dense of all major fruits.

low fat

no saturated fat

no sodium

no cholesterol

high fiber

high vitamin C

a good source of vitamin E

a good source of potassium

*Kiwi Fruit/ 1 medium*


total fat(g)--------0.3

monounsaturated fat(g)-------0

polyunsaturated fat(g)----------0.2

dietary fiber(g)--------2.6





vitamin C(mg)-------75

Kiwifruit Adaption

The Kiwi needs a long growing season (at least 240 frost-free days) There can be no late winter or early autumn freezes. When fully dormant they can withstand temperatures to about 10° F (and perhaps a bit lower.) However they must adapt to cold slowly and any sudden plunge in temperature may cause trunk splitting and damage to the vine. Late winter freezing temperatures will kill any exposed buds which limits the adaptable growing areas of kiwifruit.

In California the kiwifruit is an appropriate crop wherever citrus fruits, peaches and almonds are successful. All cultivars need a certain period of winter chilling and their needs vary dramatically, dependent upon cultivar. The most popular cultivar, Hayward, does best with a winter rest of 800 hours of chilling (defined as total hours between 32° and 45° F.) For warm winter areas with low chill hours (such as southern California, southern Texas, and Florida), cultivars such as Elmwood, Dexter, Abbott, or Vincent would be more suitable. In very mild winter areas the vines may retain their leaves and fail to flower the following season. Kiwi vines can be successfully grown in large containers.

Kiwifruit Adaption

Kiwi Smoothie    

What you will need  

2 Kiwifruit

1 small banana

˝ cup each: orange juice and yoghurt

ice cubes  

~What to do~  

Peel and slice the kiwifruit into a blender or food processor.  

Add the banana, orange juice and yoghurt.  

Blend, until smooth.  

Pour over ice cubes in two long glasses.  

Serves 2.

more! WEEE!!!
