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There is a child in me. His heartbeat quickens at the possibility of a snowstorm,his eyes widen at the splendour of Autumn trees, and he shares the dreams of flowers in the Spring. He likes to play hide and seek. Some days I wish he would not hide so well.

Hi there! My name is Steve (Ziggy) and I live in St. Thomas Ontario, Canada. Jumbo the Elephant died in St. Thomas. Train time is any time kids!

I am the proud father of Alexander, Katyryna and Allyscia. My biggest dreams came true the day each of them was born. They have taught me to imagine, to wonder, to dream. They awaken the child in me. My heart beat quickens when I am with them. We dance together in puddles after a heavy rain. Because of them i dance in the puddles of my mind.

Skidmark is my feline friend. There is a kitten in him. His heart beat quickens with the temptation of tuna, a leaf blowing in the wind or the thought of a thorough brushing. Skidmark does not dance in puddles, but he will dance for tuna.

My twenty year struggle in martial arts has motivated and inspired me. I find teaching Tae Kwon Do and learning Tai Chi fulfilling. I have learned from Tae Kwon Do from Grandmaster Ken Cheung in Brampton Ontario, and am currently a student of Grandmaster Kim Sang Woo in London Ontario. Please follow my links to Master Cheung's homepage if you would like to learn more.

My latest dream is to publish some of the stories I have written, mostly for children. They are inspired by my own children and some of the wonderful people in my life that I am lucky to know. My world is a better place with them in it.

Thank you for paying a visit to my thought rock. I hope you will find it to be inspirational if you return. Imagine, wonder and dream. Dance in the puddles of your mind.



My Favorite Web Sites

Grandmaster Ken Cheung
The Onion. Political Satire at its Finest
Tai Chi Explained
health and wellness through chi kung
