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My Introduction
Welcome to my web page that is mostly about SZM, or Zåñd§ (or ZandS without the symbols.)But really, this page is dedicated to the most boring-er- most exciting person on Stonar, Bob Bobson. He's always full of excitment! First of all, you need to know who ZandS is in order to read and understand this page. For those who already know, you can skip this introduction. ZandS/SZM, is a superhero team, with 3 people who I'll give the names of in a minute. Their enemies are 3 more people, plus a whole army.
The Characters
Ziona Tess: A blue Tiger with a gray chest. She has purple hair and purple clothes. You can see a picture of her here:

Thats hand drawn so it came out a little blurry on the scanner, and you can see some spots I missed with my colored pencil. Here's a picture I did on the computer of Ziona:

Saturn Sidekick: This is my friend's character, but I drew it for him. He plays the yellow rabbit in the group of ZandS. He wears all black and has red hair, and he has a red shiny gem on a necklace that ZandS was finding out about. Here's a picture I did of Saturn:

Bob Bobson: Bob Bobson, as I said earlier, is the most boring-um-exciting person on Stonar! He's always full of activity and things to do! He makes me jump for joy! *Bob comes into the scene when I say the word boring, then looks around tiredly, and leaves.* As I was saying, he makes me jump for joy--- and bump my head on the ceiling. So Bob was ZandS old assistant, until one day Ziona told him: Ziona: Uhh..... Bob.. we want you to leave ZandS because--- Saturn: We don't want you to get hurt! Bob left ZandS and soon ZandS got another assistant that I'll tell you about later. There's so much to explain about Bob!! One more thing, he's a gray haired dog who's a gray blue,with a dull red T-shirt and bell bottom looking jeans with stains. He always has droopy eyelids too. And now.... Here's BOB!

Bob is great isn't he? Mike Sanders: Mike Sanders is a brown kangaroo who is the new assistant for ZandS, and he's a reporter. I don't know what else to say about him, Bob was the best assistant. So here's Mike:

For some reason, Mike came out in gray on the scanner. I have to more pictres to show you of Mike. Here's one I did on the computer:

That one is pretty good, but I don't think he looks as good as the one I did on paper. Here's a nice picture of Mike fighting a huge mechanical mouse in his reporting room:

Mc. Ronalds!
Here's a picture of Mc. Ronalds..... let me tell you what Mc.Ronalds is: Mc. Ronalds is the restaraunt Basil Niles diguised his castle as, so the tons of people on his planet,Industrial, wouldn't think that Basil was planning evil plots to destroy team ZandS. Now here's Mc. Ronalds:

That's all for my pictures.... below are some links.

Stories and Summaries for Zåñd§