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Me, Mine & I

~About me~

Who am i?
A 3rd yr marketing student who hope to work in related fields. Loves the sun and sea (ya, an outdoor gal) and DOGS*big time.

Prized possession?
My two groups of friends, my hubby, my family and my dog
Oh, and there's my camera too. =)

-Clothes, accessories, bags (oh yes!) anything to make me pretty...
-to watch movies (esp. grossly type, with lotsa lotsa blood...*evil grin)
-if there's no movies, TV also can. (not fussy in this area)
-All my pets (2 hammies, 1 dog)
-read (book-of-the-yr:LOTR)

Currently i'm into...
-Michael Bublé's song
-getting photos for my blog
-into tanning (bronzy look)