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San Diego State University, San Diego, California


Now that we have to wait a year or more to get back together for another Youth Rally, hopefully these pictures will help bring back the good times that you can sit down and share with your friends and family. So far, all of these pictures were submitted by me, but I invite you to send me your pictures too, and I will definitely put them up here. If you also have pictures online, please send me a link to your page, and I will for sure add your link to this page. This was my first year as a counselor here (after seven lovely years as a camper), and this has definitely been a memorable one! I look forward to seeing you all next year in Boulder!


Check out the following picture pages:
Here are some viewing instructions:
  1. Each page has thumbnails (6-8KB)...loads easily for you dialup people! (myself included!)
  2. Click any thumbnail to view a larger-sized picture (~60KB) but not the largest (again, for the sake of the dialup people).
  3. Click on the "larger-sized" picture to see the largest version (~200KB), a good size for printing, but may take time to load
  4. You can easily switch from picture to picture by clicking different thumbnails.
  5. As always, right-click to save, and then you can take them to the store and get prints!
  6. Lastly, if you would like the originals, roughly 1 MB a piece, email me and I will send them to you. They will also be available over AIM in the fall.

I tried to get pictures of everyone in there, but as you may notice, you will have to deal with lots of pictures of me! (Sorry!) But nevertheless, enjoy!

Page   1: Counselor Orientation and Dinner
Page   2: Day 1 - Campers Arrive and Hawaiian Luau
Page   3: Day 2 - Youth Rally Challenge and College Rap Session
Page   4: Day 2 - Youth Rally Idol
Page   5: Day 3 - Shirt Day, Mission Beach, and Amusement Park
Page   6: Day 4 - The Dating Game and Family Feud
Page   7: Day 4 - The Dance and Graduation I
Page   8: Day 4 - The Dance and Graduation II
Page   9: Day 5 - Jettin' Outta Here
Page 10: Having Fun

Pictures on this page:
Above: The campers / Below: The counselors
Do you see yourself?


I Miss the Youth Rally Club
Kate M's Youth Rally Pictures
Cheryl's YAC Pictures

Please send me pictures and more links!

Send me some feedback!

Last updated: 8/9/04