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Welcome to the Web site of Sue Scoby

My name is Sue Scoby and I am a Masters candidate in the School of  Technology at Eastern Illinois University.

     My hobbies include cooking, reading, painting and sketching. But, I have to say that my absolute favorite thing to do is to travel. It is nice to be able to get away from East Central Illinois and experience different places. I love cities like New Orleans and Atlanta - but my favorite place in he world is Edinburgh, Scotland.
    The most beautiful place that I have been ( well at least so far) has been Edinburgh Castle in the middle of the city of Edinburgh. You can stand on the ramps that run along the castle walls and look down on the historic city, the quaint buildings and cobblestone streets.  You can click on the links below to view my favorite spot in Edinburgh.


       Edinburgh Castle by day                   Edinburgh Castle by NIGHT

    Well, if I win the lottery anytime soon, maybe I can travel full time! Until then, I will continue to escape at least once a year to slip into another place and another time.

 Below are some of the links that I would like you to browse. I have included a few websites that are very important to me. I hope you find them informative.

Where you can contact me:

My Email address

Other Favorite Links:

Obscure Store and Reading Room

BBC news


Digital Divide Network



                                                                                 Bridging Digital Divide PowerPoint

                                                                                Assure Model