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Pedigree Newsletter No. 1 - 2001


Welcome to the first edition of "PEDIGREE", a newsletter that will keep you up to date with what the Wonderdogs are doing. After being asked to scribble out a list of the band's up-coming gigs on the back of a coaster or on a serviette, we thought it would be a good idea to get a bit organised and put out a newsletter.
We will also try to include some other information about the band, and band members, so people will get to know us a little better. We certainly do appreciate the following of local Jazz enthusiasts, and we are always pleased to see friendly, familiar faces in the crowd when we play.
On 1st. July we ventured to the Yellowglen Winery, just out of Ballarat, to play for the Ballarat Jazz Club. We arrived at the winery and were shown to a huge storage shed where we set up to play. At first we were a little concerned about the venue, but as people arrived the atmosphere grew, helped along by a few glasses of good wine, and an enjoyable day was had by all.
The band played at the Victoria Inn Hotel in Williamstown on Sunday 22nd July; this was a great afternoon of Jazz enjoyed by both the band and the audience. The place was booked out and the atmosphere was electric. "High Society" brought the crowd to their feet. It was a real buzz for us. Towards the end of the session, people were up dancing, singing and clapping their hands; they were really an enthusiastic crowd out for a good time.
On July 28th it was off to church, the Old Catholic Church at Dalyston to be precise. The South Gippsland Jazz Society invited the Wonderdogs to play in this new venue for one of their regular Club functions. The old church had been left pretty much the way it was when it catered for a very different audience for many years. Greg spent a long time at the confessional box, perhaps he needed to, who knows.
If You Would Like To Book The Wonderdogs, Contact Alex Wilson On