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For now we will just find a little bit out about Harland. He is a Christian. He has one daughter of nine years named Kenna. He follows Christ whichever way is possible at the time. And he walks in the light. Many who read this page will know him as a friend or co-worker. You will find out more about Harland as time passes and you get to know him.

The building of this site was inspired by Christie Ponder herself. Thank you Christie! Here is a site if any of ya'll are interested in joining computer user groups in houston or just want to brush up your computer knowledge

My favorite user group

My favorite network and operating system

Where I went to college.

Here is a poem you might enjoy.

I heard it in the wind
What voice speaks
That is never heard
What man heareth
Sounds so absurd
In the blink of an eye
A thought is made
Don’t be captain bligh
To your own dismay
This is mutiny I tell you
For this is true
Who am I telling that makes me so blue
Man is not perfect
And neither am i
As this man tells me
With all but a sigh
Which way do I go Lord
For this I am floored
Give me some guidance
So I won’t be bored
Starting out as friends
He says with a grin
You think it’s over now
But it will just begin
Like waves on a beach
To ride and not teach
Who will this be
That is such a peach