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Ixi Central

Ixi Central

NVM Pocket Change
Guild Mall
Guild Quests
Raffle Time
Wish Star
Random Giveaway
Guild Mall Forms
Guild Mall!

The Guild Mall: A Mall of marvelous member shops!

Member Shops:

The guild mall is a collection of member shops made into a giant mall. It is easier to navigate through our guild's mall because each shop has a set item that they sell so you don't have to go through a hundred shops before finding something you want! Please fill out our form if you'd like your shop in the Guild's Mall.
(Example) say someone named Janedoe674632 had a shop name Jane Doe's Shop that sold a variety of items and said Yes to selling a set item we would ask her her to:

(example)Sell: Furniture (example)Name her Shop: Jane Doe's Furniture Galore! (you can decide as long as it has something to do with what you're selling!)

You can decide what group of items you sell and what you want your shop's name to be. All we require you to do is put our banner in our shop!

Or if you would like to keep on selling whatever you want that's fine too but, we'd still like you to change your name to something like "Jane Doe's thrift store" or something like that!:)

And you'll get:

-To keep all your profits earned

-Free advertising of your shop

-Good Name in guild (may nbe asked to do special things to get you great prizes)

-A cool little graphic that has your shop's name on it that you can use on your website, and on advertising boards!

-If you answer yes to be willing to sell a set item like Medical Items you will be automaticlaly entered in our Guild Mall's Giveaway! (5 items that relate to what your shop sell's!) (example: if you sold Fearie Food you would get 5 faerie foods)

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