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Alexander William & Amelia Heather

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Pictures of Alexander & Amelia

Amelia's Pictures **updated**
Alexander's Pictures **updated**
** NEW ** Xan & Mia's Pictures

***Updated May 11, 2005*** Could it be I'm finally getting on top of keeping this up to date? Time will tell.... Mia will get weighed tomorrow, I'll try to update that info shortly after......... Amber *** Updated February 29, 2004 *** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My goodness, I have been ingoring this way too long. I will try to get everything updated in short order! Things have sure changed in 9 months! Alexander talks a ton now, and is able to communicate with us very well. Other news semi-related to Xan... he will be a big brother near the end of the summer! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Updated June 2, 2003 *** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's see.... where do I begin. Alexander is getting to be a bit of a chatterbox. He sure has lots to say, I just don't usually know what it is he's trying to tell me. See below for his known words. (Thanks Jackson for picking up the latest one!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Updated November 25, 2002 *** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The latest? Alexander WALKS! On November 21, he took those first steps and he's been getting better and better at it each day. Yes, he is only 9 months old, and yes he's been told this is too early but he doesn't seem to want to listen. Yikes! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** October 29, 2002 *** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My, my, my. Alexander can now pull up, cruise the furniture and oh yeah - CRAWL! He follows me when I move from room to room, that is until he gets tired then he cries when I leave. He's pretty clingy right now, but has definately gotten better since he became mobile. I think the toughest thing since his newfound mobility is sleep. When he wakes up in his crib, he pulls up right away then stands there and cries. No chance of him falling back to sleep when he does that! It's also pretty impossible to put him down while he's awake. Until now he was a very good night sleeper! I don't handle night waking well, so I feel like a bit of a zombie a lot of the time. Thank goodness Greg takes care of Alexander during the night! Amber