≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ Photodisc 專業圖庫第06輯:"微妙幻影" Background Series V06: Ethereal Shadows ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For WIN 95/WIN98/WIN ME/WIN-NT 4.0/WIN 2000 Photodisc 公司: 專業圖庫"Background Series"系列∼第06輯:"微妙幻影" 不明確的形狀、如暈眩的效果,比矇矓更矇矓感覺,像空幻的風景圖片。 您可至下面相關網址查閱 Sample哦。市價:新台幣 6900元哦! 原版光碟!!!全新單片裝!!!絕對超值!!!    2001.05.23 全新〞光榮 〞上市 BY XYZ STUDIO ≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒ Photodisc 專業圖庫第06輯:"微妙幻影" Background Series V06: Ethereal Shadows 相關網址: http://www.photodisc.com PhotoDisk 是全球著名的圖庫公司,專以生產高畫質圖檔為主!!! 不明確的形狀、如暈眩的效果,比矇矓更矇矓感覺,像空幻的風景圖片。 Browsing and keyword searching software included. 100 images, each in three file sizes: High-res files: 28 MB, JPEG, print to 8.5 X 11 at 150-200 line screen Backgrounds: a collection of blended backgrounds. Colors blends include: blue to orange, pink to blue, pink to orange to white, dark blues to black , deep purples to black, soft whites to light pinks, dark blues to white, reds to black, black to white, black to green, black to yellow, a variety of orange to yellow to red blends, yellow to brown, purple to red, and many more blended color combinations. The images in this collection do not show banding breaks between colors that is often seen in computer generated blends. Creativity:9 Content:9 Quality:9 = 999 Highest Score Creativity: Though subjective, average images will score 5. Content: Deals with both number of images and mixture or images. Quality: Deals with the quality of the images. If Hi-Res it can score high , Low Res will score low. An added factor is the actually image quality. Hi Res with poor quality scans will score lower. Low Res with high quality scans will score higher. XYZ STUDIO 強力推薦!!!一定讓你值回票價,保證錯不了。 ≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒ 最後,有句老話還是要再強調一次!本目錄僅僅只是幫助您試用/選購各種應用軟 體之用,如果您覺得這些試用的軟體真的對您工作上真正有幫助,敬請務必要買原 版軟體,以支持作者或出版公司能再出版最好的軟體!!! 為了您將來的後續服務, 更應該要購買原版的軟體!謝謝!!! ≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒ ≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒≒