ChanServ Commands


-ChanServ- Syntax: SOP channel ADD nick
-ChanServ- SOP channel DEL {nick | entry-num | list}
-ChanServ- SOP channel LIST [mask | list]
-ChanServ- SOP channel CLEAR
-ChanServ- Maintains the SOP (SuperOP) list for a channel. The SOP
-ChanServ- list gives users all rights given by the AOP list, and adds
-ChanServ- those needed to use the AutoKick and the BadWords lists,
-ChanServ- to send and read channel memos, and so on.
-ChanServ- The SOP ADD command adds the given nickname to the
-ChanServ- SOP list.
-ChanServ- The SOP DEL command removes the given nick from the
-ChanServ- SOP list. If a list of entry numbers is given, those
-ChanServ- entries are deleted. (See the example for LIST below.)
-ChanServ- The SOP LIST command displays the SOP list. If
-ChanServ- a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the
-ChanServ- mask are displayed. If a list of entry numbers is given,
-ChanServ- only those entries are shown; for example:
-ChanServ- SOP #channel LIST 2-5,7-9
-ChanServ- Lists AOP entries numbered 2 through 5 and
-ChanServ- 7 through 9.
-ChanServ- The SOP CLEAR command clears all entries of the
-ChanServ- SOP list.
-ChanServ- The SOP ADD, SOP DEL and SOP CLEAR commands are
-ChanServ- limited to the channel founder. However, any user on the
-ChanServ- AOP list may use the SOP LIST command.
-ChanServ- This command may have been disabled for your channel, and
-ChanServ- in that case you need to use the access list. See
-ChanServ- /msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS for information about the access list,
-ChanServ- and /msg ChanServ HELP SET XOP to know how to toggle between
-ChanServ- the access list and xOP list systems.