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Tuesday, December 7, 2004

[hanukah pimp]

Posted by: Josh

Okay, I swear this isn't turning into a music blog ? I haven't got the storage space ? but I had to share this particular nugget of holiday goodness, which I picked up from music (for robots):

Little Drum Machine Boy - Beck

"Right about now, gonna drom some Hanukah science." Priceless. So is the Hebrew-speaking robot. And so is the chant of "Hanukah pimp! Hanukah pimp!" More holiday music should be like this.

In fact, I really wish stores this time of year would play this, or Duke Ellington's Nutcracker Suite, or even the real version by Tchaikovsky, instead of fucking "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" and "Silver Bells" and Wham's "Last Christmas" forty times each. I blame it on WPLJ, which, for the season, has replaced its regular insipid programming with a punishing regime of Christmas cheer that New York City retailers are mysteriously unable to resist.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 1:18 PM EST

Name: Phaedra Lari

My least favorite song last year was that awful song "Santa Baby." *shudder*

This year I'm managing better than usual to mostly ignore it.

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Kate's l337 Journal
All you ever wanted to know about lung transplants and Star Wars.

La Roja Viaje
A blog about training ESL teachers in Kuwait.

Oak & Heather
The nondenominational, interfaith clergy services of Dia Vickery, Ph.D., who presided at Josh's wedding.

Pagan Mom
The trials and tribulations of raising Josh's Pagan godson.

Everything you ever wanted to know about the Polenbergs, ever.


Overheard in New York







Locust St.


music (for robots)

Soul Sides

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