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So, we've been through a lot of changes in the last couple weeks....We released our 2nd full length CD, Asians Robots and Bullet Trains, with 21 songs, 11 new, 10 live, and its only $3!!! We have two new shows, May 14th at Java Junction in Clearwater with The Cohorts, The Taj Motel Trio from Georgia, The Game Show, Chubby Tuff, Variety Workshop and One and Done. Its SKAFEST 2005!!! Also an end of the year bash at the SPOT on May 28th with Safety, The Panic, and PBC. Also, you may have heard that Alex left us for the who knows what. This is true and no one really cares anymore.

Peace, Brett A Gardner

Non Important Stuff and Old News

Hey suckers, check this out!!!
We're playing a free show at the American Legion again with The Game Show!!!
Come out and bring your friends for a guaranteed good time or your money back
You might see some suprises.....

Also we have a show at the SPOT planned for Feb 19th I think (with Safety)
In the next few months, we will release our new CD, which will hopefully be called "Asians, Robots, and Bullet Trains"
It will be a collection of live clips from this year and about 8 or 9 new songs, 4 of which we play live right now
There might even be cases for it... if we have enough money left over from buying shirts

Adios, Brett

Thanks to everyone who came to the greatest show ever!!!!!!!!!There were tons of people and lots of awesome stuff happenin like our banana suit. We have tons of pictures coming up soon, i've made our pictures section tons better and we already have some of saturday nite and of our Orpheum Show!!! Dont forget to check out our new MYSPACE.COM. Its We're going to order shirts soon with all the money we made and are coming out with a new CD hopefully. We have a new show scheduled for January 29th with The Game Show at the AMerican Legion.

Hey i hope everyone likes the new throwup orange background, thats what you all get for not coming to our show at the Orpheum on NOV 26 at 9 o clock! Sorry to anyone that didnt know about it, we only found out about it a couple hours before it started. It was still fun. Big D and Voodoo Glow Skulls this Friday and us and Safety on Dec 18th. We have pics from the 26th show from a cool gal named Sam, so ill post those soon. We have new stickers and a new song on purevolume, I heard we're getting a bullet train.

We finally have new songs up on purevolume, check um out and send it to everyone. Also, DEC 18th @ the MASQUERADE!!, dont forget. and my email is now in case you need it, and i've made shirts and i'll sell um for 3 bucks if you want one.

Hola amigos! another fine day in the city of Tampa, and there's some shows you need to know about...
dec. 3 Big and the Kids table and Voodoo Glow Skulls
dec. 10 Phalynx, Select Start, Fuss and CIA
dec. 18 Panic, Officer Scott, THE CV! and Safety
whoa i'm gonna live there next month!

My halloween show went great, thanks to Rotten Deal, half of the Panic, Electric Avenue North and Safety. Lots of food and music and a fun time. I'm gonna do it again during the winter break. We have the whole night recorded and you can buy it for 2$. Also we're working on some new songs that we will slowly, and i mean slowly release on Purevolume cause that site's been sucking lately. Send our site to everyone on your buddy list and tell them to sign the guestbook. if you can get people to sign it i'll give you a free cd or somethin.

WHOAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! That was probably the best show yet! The Game Show and Phalynx all rocked out, and Phalynx even played a ska song! All the kids loved it, which is all that matters. For big news, we're playing at the MASQUERADE on Dec.18 with Safety, Officer Scott Anger and The Panic. That shows gonna be crazy. I'll be selling tickets for 6 dollars very soon. I'm ordering new stickers and buttons and a banana suit, YESS! There's two new songs on Purevolume. I'll be hosting a pre halloween show at my house on Oct 30, with The CV and the great Safety, with free food. The Split with Safety's almost done. Yes ! ! !Yeah

I've Finally updated our members section so theres some new pics and info. We've added two new songs to purevolume, Gotta Be Home By Eight and You Don't Have a Clue, a brand new song. The show at Ryans house on the 25th was awesome. People really dug us, even though people kept skankin into my microphone and hitting me in the face. We have a new show coming up on Oct. 17 with The Gameshow, an awesome ska band, at The American Legion Post in Odessa, by Sickles High School. I hope everyone can come out. Remember, CDs for 2 bucks!
Peace and Unity,

Dude's, the show on sept 18 was the craziest show thanks to everyone, well, all 15 of you. We're doin a split CD with Safety that's gonna rock, it'll be done by oct 10 or so. We're also playin at a house party for Ryan movin to Cali. Yeah Yeah Yeah. Open your eyes your all the same.

Oh crap, Alex was stupid and got grounded so he can't play on sat., but don't worry, i've got a mystery person to come help out. tell him thanks when you see him, cause i couldn't do this without him. remember, Cds-$2, Stickers-50cents. Come out and have a skankin time on sat!!!!!!!!

YEAH Andypalooza was fun. Everything that could possibly go wrong did, but we still had a great time. we sold 8 dollars worth of stuff and gave out a lot of stickers. Thanks to all those hardcore fans that stayed and sang ALL our words(ANDY) and everyone else who was havin fun. Don't forget, Brass Mug, Sept 18, Phalynx, BEH, The CV, Safety. 7bucks and a free drink. We'll be playin 2 brand new hXc punk rawk ska songs.
peace and unity, haha cutters

Hey everyone the show on the 8.28 was awsome! Thanx to everyone who came out and saw us. Even more thanx to people who skanked, crowdsurfed, mosh pitted, and circle pitted. Be sure to come see Phalynx, Bad Eating Habits, Carnivorous Vegans, and Safety on the 18th! Our new cd is done and we're selling it for 2 dollars and stickers for 50 cents at the show. If u wanna see tons of awsome bands on 9-11 go to benstock/andypolooza. Go to for more info. Check out our new songs on Purevolume and go on our messageboard its kinda dead and start a any subject. See you guys l8r!

Hey everyone! Go to see us and the other great bands playing. There's gonna be some crazy thrash pits and hardcore stuff. Are CD is DONE!! We'll be selling it at the 28 show and also at Andystock or whatever. We don't have a name for it yet. We'll also sell some stickers. We put two of our new songs up on PureVolume, Punk Ska Freak and The Girl With Checkered Shoes. Check it out. HC FOR LIFE!

Hey, i added pics and im updating the members section. Go see Albuterol Brigade at the Masquerade on thurs, July 29 at 8:00. Remember, August 28, Brass Mug, be there or be stupid. Our new CD is almost done!

We have new pictures and should be all the way up in 3 days or so. Don't order stickers from sticker cause they suck. There's an awesome picture above of us being superheros. I also added one of us being super skateboarding heros. We're working on our new full legnth CD that should be done before school starts. It'll have 15 or so brand new songs. Cool. Probably only $3.

Hey everyone, we are playing a seriously awesome show on August 28 with Safety and Bad Eating Habits at nowhere other than the... Brass Mug! We have a seriously cool new guitar player named Mikey. We have some seriously good songs you can hear on the 28th. There's also a new song on PureVolume called I Won't Miss You.

Peace, Brett and Alex

The stickers are coming, new shows are happenin, most likely a show with Safety and Unspoken Apathy, and we're playing on 9/11 at the Hurricane Bay Bodybuilding show @ Gaither high. I added "All the Ugly Your Money Can Buy" to Purevolume and a new song should play at the intro.

Hey everyone, I hope you like our "new" website. It's taken me a long time to do that HTML crap on Notepad. I've ordered 100 stickers that should be here in a week or two. They say "The Carnivorous Vegans, Not your typical punk ska band". We'll start selling them soon for 50 cents or so. If you want one just tell me. We're also planning on playing tons of shows once school starts cause everyone is on vacation at different times. Probably @ the Brass Mug. We're on Pure!! Click here to hear! We have two songs up now, Grunge is Dead! and the infamous, Jarrod Looks Like a Cow.

Peace and unity, Brett

We still really need help in finding a drummer. If you are anyone you know is interested, please email me. Our show on May 2nd was awesome. We played with Safety, Vindicated Youth and Limitpoint or something like that. We made $50. Thanks to everyone that came to see us. Complete #2 is for sale now for 3 dollars. It has 35 songs on it, including our Demo and our live show plus bonus tracks.

Peace, Brett
