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Who's this simple lass?

     Hello there!!! thanks for opening my webpage! is indeed my pleasure...
    By the way I am Michelle May Paralejas Geronilla or you may call me "Mitch" for short...I'm still  seventeen  yrs old.. .under the astrlogical sign of libra... that falls on every 13th of October...A resident of Turno, Dipolog City...Presently I'm studying in STI or Systems Technology Institute...


Something Personal...

Describe yourself: Well, if  I  where to describe myself  honestly speaking...physically, I'm tall about 5'5"  feet, fair complexion and with curly hair...or should I say "SIMPLE" to be exact... Spiritually I am "mabait"  (hahahah)  says people around meh...


Defining friend...

Friend  is the most important above all..."as the saying goes no man is an island" friend is there before you knew's where you can lean on.. who will listen to your problems...and will give piece of advice...everything...


Defining Love.....

 You know I've been in love....and i found out that love  will just come it doesn't approach. It conquers doesn't matter  if that guy isn't perfect...  Perhaps they say "If you have to move heaven and earth" to show him that you love him you'll definitely do matter what it is that powerful....


Defining Crush...

 "CRUSH"  is just a sort of admiration or inspiration rather...



Everybody knows that crush is normal to us...well then I'd like to tell you that, that guy is none other than the dashing debonair in STI....guess who!!!


My first love...


He is Mr. TLC...


Embarrassing moment...

It was when my crush saw me playing "takyan" in side our classroom...My gosh!!! i think i'm gonna faint with so much "hiya" indeed it is my embarrassing moment ever!


Loneliest moment...

Maybe it will be my death....dba how sad....


Happiest moment...

It was when i met my first boyfriend...hhahah....


Unforgettable place...

Well it's in Linabo Peak ,the precise reason is that..haha i think i need not to mention's too personal.