Lordy, Lordy, Paul Sullivan is turning 40!!

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Welcome to Sully's "surprise" 40th Birthday Bash!!

Can you believe the old geezer is going to be 40 years old? Wow! He's been working for FT Interactive Data Corporation for 20 years, imagine that! A legend? Hmmm...maybe in his own mind!

Just kidding, we love the guy. He's a good friend that would do anything to help you anytime, anywhere and Nancy and would love to have his family and friends there to share this special event!! Who loves ya, as Sully always says!

We would be honored by your presence to:

Topic: Paul Sullivan's 40th Birthday Party!!

Place: Riverside Gun Club

Time: 7:00 pm

Location: 16 Wilkens Street, Hudson, MA 01749 (978)568-8175

R.S.V.P. by Monday, June 2nd, 2003 to Patty Mulkern (978) 562-4505

There will be some cool tunes....

Also, a "Roasting", yes, please think of great story to tell us all so that we can make this a bellowing good time!